Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series)

Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series) by A. Rosa

Book: Emotionally Compromised (Emotionally Compromised Series) by A. Rosa Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. Rosa
the current authorization with Sunscape. All you have to do is get Hunt here tomorrow, and we will work from there."
    I feel like my eyes are going to bug out of my head as the looming future becomes far too real for words. "Yes , sir."
    "You are dismissed , Turner."
    "Yes , sir." I climb out of my seat and head to the door.
    "And Agent Turner?"
    I turn around only slightly. "Chief?"
    "Off the record ... try not to break any hearts—or your own."
    I can't help but smile, and I almost want to say , "Thanks, Dad," seeing as I never really had one, but instead, I say, "Of course, sir." I exit his office with mixed feelings.
    Happy: because this might actually work out.
    Sad: because I fear Jeremy will run away and leave me.
    Excited: for this case, and its potential.
    Worried: about Jeremy because this case is more serious than he may realize—it's dangerous.
    Overwhelmed: I have to somehow manage my flawed relationship, save the world, and pass my LLAT exam.

    Physical Delegations
    I stumble into the sparring room. Grace is not something the federal government focused on in my training , but I have a lot on my mind.
    Earlier, I sat in the locker room for twenty minutes in a daze after receiving a text from Jeremy:
    I hope your studying is going well. I want to tell you I can't stop thinking about you, but I am worried it's too soon. ;)
    Did I really receive a wink face from Jeremy? I blush just thinking about it. Oh, man. And no, Jeremy, it is not too soon. I can't stop thinking about you either.
    I don't have the guts to send him a text back , and it pains me to know why. All I want to do is run back to his apartment to see him.
    I sigh, putting those thoughts aside, and realize I have to confront a lot of emotions about my current predicament with life, love, and work.
    Both meetings this morning went better than I could have hoped. The negative person inside me wanted Alvarado to tell me to drop the relationship, work the case, and not to get emotionally involved because it might save some people a whole lot of heartache. Instead, he found it useful to the investigation. Why does that frustrate me?
    Isn't that what you wanted all along , Agent Turner? There is no pleasing you.
    It's weird to be happy with the situation yet be angry that I even got into it in the first place. I tried so hard to run , and Jeremy wouldn't let me. The thought makes me smile. He makes me smile. I miss him. I should call him. I want to see him. Ergh. I shake my head to clear my thoughts and focus..
    I wander up to a vacant punching bag and begin my assault. I have been craving this release since before those meetings. Maybe even since Jeremy wouldn't take no for an answer Saturday afternoon.
    I plunge my fist into the firm punching bag. Relief washes over me as I continue to pummel. This is who I am. Not that fluffy, lust-filled adolescent. This is the Agent Turner I know. Maybe there is more than toughness? I am not sure yet. I am still trying to figure that part out.
    What am I supposed to do? Continue this relationship with Jeremy? I don't want to have these doubts, I really don't, but he is going to be mad when these floodgates open and he realizes that I lied. I know it’s early to feel frantic, but I’d prefer not lose him. And now we want to use him in the case.
    When I bring him in tomorrow to explain everything, how will he react? Will he leave me? Will he even want to help? The information will be overwhelming for him ; I know it. He has no idea what is coming. This ticking time bomb is killing me. I am scared that after all this, after I gave in and made myself vulnerable, that he will leave me to deal with the pain.
    "Care to let your aggression out on the person you're really mad at?" someone whispers in my ear.
    I fling myself around, and Derek's flirty eyes greet me. He is dressed in his tight work out tank and low-hanging basketball shorts.
    "Excuse me?" is the only

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