impose port taxes at Ys; so far they have gone unscathed. Also, we must start to collect those revenues from the Evander Valley which were formerly paid to Carfilhiot. So there is profit in sight! And sooner or later we will shake the barons loose from the hoarded gold they have gained by robbing from each other.”
Maloof frowned at what he considered flaws in the idea, but again decided that Aillas was indulging his humour. “A formidable program!” said Maloof.
Aillas laughed. “But in practice very simple. I shall dictate laws which I know they will break; then I will fine them large sums, which they must pay or be turned out upon the moors. I only wish I could do the same for King Casmir and his illicit warship, but I fear he would not pay his fines.”
Maloof raised his eyebrows in wonder. “You are not entitled to levy fines upon King Casmir!”
“Sadly true. Therefore I must use stronger measures.”
Again Maloof frowned in puzzlement. “How so?”
“Exactly two weeks from tonight a party of raiders will descend upon the shipyard at Sardilla and burn Casmir’s illicit hulk to the ground. In times to come Casmir will take his commitments more seriously.”
Maloof shook his head. “Risky business!”
“Less risky than allowing Casmir a fleet of warships.”
Maloof had no more to say and took his leave. Later in the day Aillas spoke with Lord Pirmence to whom he imparted the same information.
Still later, toward the end of the afternoon, Aillas let slip to Lord Witherwood and Lord Sion-Tansifer together that the raid at Sardilla would occur in precisely ten days.
Meanwhile, Sir Tristano assured Foirry and Langlark that the raid would take place in twenty days, even though these two were not considered prime suspects.
Early the next day Sir Tristano set off at speed to Sardilla in Caduz, that he might discover which of the three reports prompted countermeasures.
In due course Sir Tristano returned, bone-weary from hard riding and a rough passage across the Lir. Aillas and Yane heard his report with great interest. On the tenth night, no unusual precautions were put into force. On the night of the two-week interval, a hundred heavily armed warriors had lain in ambush, and through a long dismal night awaited an aasault which never came. For full verification, Tristano had delayed until the twentieth night had passed, without event, and then had returned homeward.
“Three facts are now clear,” said Aillas. “First, the ship has definitely been commissioned by Casmir. Second, a traitor sits on my Council of Ministers. Third, he is either Maloof or Pirmence.”
“Either one fits the role,” said Yane. “What now?”
“For the moment, stealth. Let us identify our man without causing him alarm.”
REPORTS HAD REACHED AILLAS as to rich deposits of bog-iron in South Ulfland, not far from Oaldes, and he had requested that Maloof discover the costs involved in the construction of a foundry.
The figures, as submitted by Maloof, seemed remarkably high. Aillas considered them a moment without comment, then put the document aside. “The project clearly demands a closer scrutiny. At the moment my mind wanders; I could not sleep last night for dreaming.”
Maloof showed polite concern. “Indeed, sir! Dreams are prodromes of future truth! They provide bodes which we ignore to our risk!”
“The dreams of last night were remarkably vivid,” said Aillas. “They concerned the forthcoming visit of King Casmir. As his ship entered the harbor, I saw Casmir on the deck bare-headed, as clearly as I now see you. He turned away, and a voice spoke into my ear: ‘Watch with care! If his hat shows two plumes, blue and green in color, he proves himself friend and faithful ally! If he wears a single yellow plume, he is a treacherous enemy who must be destroyed at any cost!’ Three times the voice spoke these words! But when I turned to watch as Casmir donned his hat, I was called aside and never could
Elle Thorne
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Maj Sjöwall, Per Wahlöö
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Perri Forrest
T. A. Grey
Jonathan R. Miller