Edge of Moonlight
more. The man was a trained SEAL. He was smart, strong and not used to taking bullshit from anyone.
    She wanted to tell him everything. Wanted to spill her guts and hope like hell he didn’t look at her like she was an animal.
    But she didn’t want to hurt again like she had when he’d made the decision three months ago to have every memory of her and the Etruscans wiped from his mind.
    “Yeah, I can fuck them.”
    Her harsh statement didn’t seem to have any impact on him at all. “Did you use magic on me to make me want you?”
    He should just shoot her with silver bullets, she decided. It might hurt less. “Do you think that’s the only reason why you would have?”
    “No. I don’t. Jesus Christ, Kaine. I saw you in the mirror at the bar and I wanted you. It was like a match to gasoline. I never wanted anyone that much that fast. So give me a break here, would you? It’s been a fucked-up night.” John slumped back into the chair, his eyes closed as one hand lifted to rub his temples, as if he had a headache. Which he probably did.
    Before she knew what she was doing, she reached for him, for the hand clenched around the arm of the chair. Her fingers slid against his and he spread his fingers to lace them together.
    “I’m sorry.” She was. Totally and absolutely sorry he had to deal with this.
    His eyes opened and she got caught in that green gaze. She fell into the warmth she saw there, in the heat. For her. There was worry, too, for Evie. But right now, he only had eyes for her.
    “Come here.”
    Her mouth dried at the command in his tone. She was a soldier. She took orders from her superiors. But she’d never been much for blind obedience.
    Still, she let him tug her to the edge of her chair as he leaned forward. He moved slowly, like he didn’t want to spook her but she wasn’t spooked.
    More like mesmerized.
    She stared into his eyes until the very last second before his lips touched hers. Then she let her eyelids fall and the touch of his lips wiped away everything but his taste.
    He didn’t try to devour her. He just kissed her with a need so enticing, she felt like she was freefalling.
    His lips moved on hers, brushing lightly then pressing harder.
    He released her hand and her arms slid automatically around his shoulders. His hands curved under her arms, lifted her out of her chair and onto his. With their lips still sealed, her legs spread until her knees settled on the outside of his strong thighs.
    She knelt above him, her head higher than his as she cupped his face in her hands and kissed him. His whiskers scratched at her palms, a delicate rasp that made her fight to get air into her lungs even while she refused to release his mouth.
    Blessed Goddess, she wanted to eat him up.
    His arms came around her waist, hands spreading on her back as if soaking in her heat. Or keeping her from getting away.
    He let her control the kiss but he drove her crazy with each flick of his tongue against her lips. He wanted in and she let him have his way because she wanted the same.
    His tongue invaded but only for a second because he encouraged her to do the same, to slip her tongue into his mouth and wrap around his.
    She flashed hot, her nipples tightening into hard tips that she wanted to press against his hard chest. Or better yet, have him suck one into his mouth and bite.
    A moan worked its way out of her chest and into her throat. That sound should have embarrassed her with its neediness. Instead, it made him answer with a deep growl that made her pussy clench and moisten.
    She smelled her own arousal, wondered if he could, as well. She wanted him to know how much she desired him. How much she needed him.
    But in the still-rational recesses of her brain, she heard the distant approach of a car.
    She wished she could shut it out, wanted only to stay here in the moment with John.
    But she knew the sound of that motor.
    Kyle would be here in minutes. And he‘d have a heart attack if he found her

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