something was amiss, but he’d have to cover it up with a few white lies.
    Rhia was gone by the time Eban returned. Beryl had curled into a chair by the window in Eban’s study, a book on her lap, though her gaze was turned to the window.
    Her eyebrows were drawn together, her fingers folded over the edges of the book. She looked lost in thought, so serious, she might have been concerned over the demon conference she wasn’t supposed to know about. Beryl’s tongue ran over her full rosy lips. Her skin color had returned from the slightly green cast to pale ivory.
    Eban watched her, trying to figure out if anything Wystan and Tell said was true. Did he have feelings for her?
    She turned as though she’d heard his thoughts. A smile blossomed over her face. “You’re back in one piece.”
    She laid the book aside and came to meet him. Her blonde hair was pulled away from her face, making her look younger than he knew she was.
    â€œWys was more understanding than Tell. Did Rhia head home?”
    â€œShe went to get Sylvie. To liberate the Yues, she said.” Her smile widened. “Well, I’m glad Wystan decided not to behead you for…whatever it was that you did with the angel.”
    She wanted answers, but he had no idea what to tell her.
    â€œI’m sure he’ll come up with some form of punishment when I’m least expecting it.” He tucked his hands into his pockets so he wouldn’t pick at his fingernails. “We’re not sure how to banish Eliakim, but Tell’s looking into it. Is Sylvie’s party still scheduled for tomorrow?”
    He wasn’t sure how he felt about talking to Rhia, but Sylvie would be disappointed if he didn’t make an appearance. Seeing Wystan wasn’t as bad as he’d imagined. Of course, Wys hadn’t given him much of a choice in the matter.
    Beryl nodded. “Wait until you see what Rhia brought her. She must have spent a fortune on dresses and shoes. Sylvie won’t know what to think when she sees them all. And a music box that plays seven tunes. I’ve never seen anything like it.” Her mouth twitched. “She brought me something too.”
    â€œOh?” He cocked an eyebrow, pretending interest. Wys—like most demons—had money coming out of his ears, so it was no surprise he’d let Rhia have run of his wealth. Maybe it made them greedy, but money seemed to come to demons and they all tended to be hoarders rather than spenders.
    â€œI’ll show you tomorrow.” A faint blush colored her cheeks.
    He didn’t have to be a mind reader to know it was probably a dress. Something to match her eyes, or offset her coloring. She could use a new one, that was true. The three she owned were practical, but somber colors.
    â€œI’ll go with you, but I probably won’t stay long.” He’d ordered a book for Sylvie, knowing she might not expect a gift from him, but he didn’t feel right not getting her anything. She read faster than he did, so he felt sure she’d like it.
    â€œNonsense. Lois is making her a cake and Rhia’s got gifts for her that’ll take all day to open. You’ll have fun. I’ll make sure of it.”
    Her eyes were wide, pleading with him.
    â€œTell and I aren’t exactly seeing things in the same light right now.”
    She waved her hand in a dismissive gesture. “He won’t do anything to upset Sylvie. He adores her.”
    Eban frowned. “What?”
    Beryl giggled. “He told me he has his ‘eye on that Yue kid’. I thought he got along with most of the children, especially Thomas Jefferson. I guess he caught TJ teasing her one day and now he’s Papa Bear.”
    Eban rolled his eyes. “Rhia had better watch out, or he’ll teach Sylvie how to use every weapon under the sun. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t give her a knife for her birthday.”

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