Earth's Survivors Apocalypse

Earth's Survivors Apocalypse by Unknown

Book: Earth's Survivors Apocalypse by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
other thing that's been bothering me is something we can all agree on.”
    “What's that,” Mike asked.
    Candace answered the question for him.
    “I think I know,” she said, “it's the Earthquakes. I mean if we really were hit by that meteor, shouldn't we all be dead by now? What I mean is, when I was outside last night, I didn't see any fall out, but I did feel the earth shaking, it felt like an earthquake too, a big one, but that couldn't have been the Yellowstone one, that's, what, a few thousand miles away anyway, we wouldn't have felt it like that, would we? And still have aftershocks?”
    She stopped and drew a deep breath inward and then continued.
    “The television said that the meteor was sighted inbound, and I could have sworn that, for just a few seconds, there seemed to be a huge glow from the west in the sky. I remember thinking it was where it landed, but when I looked again it was gone. If it was though, why are we still alive?”
    “That wasn't my exact concern,” Bob said, “but it runs along the same lines. I felt the shaking too, and it felt more like a heavy thuds the first couple of times I felt it, something close... Not far away.”
    “...I'll tell you what though, I was talking to Jasper Collins, he fishes Lake Ontario for a living, you know, and he was just docking when it started. He had a pretty good view from there, out across the lake, I mean, and he said he could clearly see a white streak running across the western edge of the sky. He said he was expecting to see a mushroom cloud or something, but the sky glowed for a split-second or two, then the glow just disappeared. But a mans line of sight is only about 3 miles or so, after that the curve of the Earth drops off. So you are looking at something fairly close, or further away but high up in the air.”
    “He also felt the ground shaking after the hit,” Bob continued. “But that's not hard to explain. You may not know this, but there is a fault line that runs all across the Great Lakes basin. Ontario included. The fault line runs all the way across the continent to the gulf coast. Could be that the impact did trigger some sort of earthquake. My point though, is that if that meteor did hit in the west, close enough for Jasper to see, we should be dead.”
    “Mike was telling me about the fault,” Candace said.
    “What else did he say?” Mike asked.
    Candace nodded her head slightly as if to voice the question herself.
    “Well, like I said, he had just brought the boat into the dock and tied it off. That ain't a little boat, I've seen it, forty-five-footer, and the water where he ties it off is damn deep too. Well,” he continued. “He tied it off, and he's standing there and the waves are starting to really build so he hot foots it off the dock. Just as he gets off the whole damn thing just sinks. It took his boat and a couple others with it too. That ain't the end though. As he's standing there, this is the weird part, the lake just drops about five feet, real fast. He knows that lake, and it could be, if that fault line opened up, it could have dropped. If so I'll bet we have one hell of a new river running from here down to the Gulf a Mexico, or at least one hell of a lot of damage.”
    “Jesus,” Mike whistled softly.
    “I don't know... Food for thought though,” Bob concluded and leaned back into the bench.
    Mike recalled the dream of the night before and quickly related it to Candace and Bob. When he finished, Bob turned to Candace.
    “Did you see anything? Maybe dream about anything?”
    “No,” she replied, “nothing at all, except for what I told you. But I was up all night after it happened”
    “I haven't had any myself,” Bob said quietly, “Of course; I was awake all night too in the woods.”
    All three sat back into the bench and stared out over the square, lost in thought.
    “So what does it all mean?” Mike asked to no one in particular, as he continued to stare at the lake.
    “I wish the hell

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