The Real History of the End of the World

The Real History of the End of the World by Sharan Newman

Book: The Real History of the End of the World by Sharan Newman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharan Newman
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Copyright © 2010 Sharan Newman
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Berkley trade paperback edition/ April 2010
    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
    Newman, Sharan.
    p. cm.
    Includes bibliographical references and index.
    eISBN : 978-1-101-18660-2
    1. End of the world—History of doctrines. 2. Prophecies—History. I. Title.
    BL503.N49 2010


This book is dedicated to all the Chicken Littles among us, who are sure
that the sky will soon fall. Someday you will be right.
    And for Rebecca Hill and John Parks, who shared the load.

    Deborah Adams, for urging me to send in the proposal for this book when I was just going to delete it.
    Erika Johnson Bayless, for telling me how to put it all together.
    Jennifer Johnson Bell, for teaching me how to make a table.
    Dr. Eddie Chan, for finding esoteric groups for me to study.
    Professor Armin Geertz, Aarhus University, Denmark, for proofing my section on the Hopi.
    Professor Susan D. Gillespie, University of Florida, for directing me to references on the Mayan calendar.
    Professor Salima Ikram, American University of Cairo, Professor Aidan Dodson, Bristol University, and Dr. Barbara Mertz for references on ancient Egyptian eschatology and making sure I didn’t spell Osiris as if he were a Roman.
    Morgan Kay, for taking time from her dissertation to check my information on Merlin.
    Steven Lavoie, of the Oakland Library, for sending me references to the Doomsealers.
    Connie L. F. Terwilliger, for suggesting the proper group to dedicate this book to.
    As always, any mistakes in this book are mine alone.

The Beginning of the End
    I t may seem strange, if not impossible, to write a history of something that hasn’t happened yet. I could point out that if I wait until it does, there will be very few readers to benefit from my work. But it makes more sense to explain that this is really a history of how people all over the world and through time have thought about

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