Dream Caller

Dream Caller by Michelle Sharp

Book: Dream Caller by Michelle Sharp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Sharp
Tags: Dream Seeker
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someone had witnessed such a heated kiss, but under the circumstances, the devil on her shoulder actually wanted to flip Isobel the bird .
    Jordan looked back up at Ty. After a long, uncomfortable pause, she said, “Hi. Yes, I’m Jordan. Ty’s girlfriend.”
    She channeled her inner ice bitch and held out her hand to the redhead.
    Cherry-bomb barely returned the handshake before letting her gaze dip down to Jordan’s boots and crawl back up again. Hard to miss the not-so-subtle sizing-up.
    “I’m Detective Riley with MHP. Nice to meet you.” Then Isobel looked up at Ty. “The Bensons and their attorney are here. We probably shouldn’t keep them waiting any longer.”
    “Okay. I’ll be right in.”
    Ty hooked a finger under Jordan’s chin and tilted it up. The act always felt like such an intimate gesture. The fact that he did it in front of the other woman chipped away at a bit of the ugly uncertainty in her heart.
    “Did you need anything else, baby?”
      A breeze flittered through the air as Cherry-bomb whipped around and stalked away. Isobel’s huffy exit was less than subtle.
    “She still wants you. You know that, right?”
    He shrugged and eyed her sweater and the cleavage inside it like it was a last meal. “And I want you. You know that, right?”
    She smiled a little now, too. Because she did know it. And right or wrong, she felt just a little smug because of it.
    “Officer McGee, my dad has another appointment. Would it be possible to start soon?”
    Jordan looked toward the door of the interview room. A tall, thin guy with curly blond hair and big hazel eyes looked back at her. She pulled away from Ty. A wild shiver skipped down her backbone.
    “I’m on my way, David.” Ty said.
    Isobel came from down the hall and stopped next to the young guy. “I think we’re ready to start any moment now.” She looked back at Ty. “McGee?”
    “I need to go, babe,” Ty said. “I’ll give you a call. Okay?”
    Jordan snapped her focus from the young man to Ty.
    Isobel crossed the room and hovered next to them.
    “Is that your suspect?” Jordan asked.
    Ty shot a sideways glance at Isobel. “Depends on who you ask, but I really don’t think so. Just someone we’re talking with right now. Are you okay?”
    “I’m fine.” Jordan took hold of Ty’s hand and squeezed. “That’s the vic’s boyfriend, isn’t it?”
    Ty nodded. “Yeah.”
    “Be very thorough with him,” she said.
    “Jordan, was it?” Cherry-bomb’s face tightened when she interrupted. “We’re not at liberty to discuss the facts of a case with a—”
    “Actually”—Jordan unleashed a back-the-hell-up look on Cherry-bomb—“it’s Detective Delany with the St. Louis County Police Department.” She had a good six to eight inches on the redhead and wasn’t above using it. “I’m not exactly a civilian. That is what you were going to say, isn’t it?”
    “Still, you are not a part of this investigation.”
    Jordan stood silent for a moment, incredulous. She hadn’t wanted to bitch-slap someone so badly since the arraignment of the drug dealer who had almost killed her on the last case.
    She held the redhead’s gaze with a long glare. “You’re absolutely right, detective. There are some lines that should never be crossed, aren’t there?” 

    Chapter 8
    Shit. Shit. Shit.
    Jordan started her car and pounded on the steering wheel. For someone who was supposed to be psychic and intuitive, she certainly hadn’t seen this runaway train coming. She never, ever, ever entertained the idea that the girl in her dream had been connected to a case Ty was working.
    It wasn’t supposed to be this way. It wasn’t supposed to work this way.
    “Damn it,” she murmured, letting her head thud back against the headrest. There weren’t any hard and fast rules about her dreams, but involving Ty in her visions any more than he already was didn’t feel right. Using the dreams on her own cases was one thing, but

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