Dream Caller

Dream Caller by Michelle Sharp Page B

Book: Dream Caller by Michelle Sharp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michelle Sharp
Tags: Dream Seeker
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investigation has him working with a female detective from Highway Patrol.”
    Bahan stared at her. “And you think because he’s living with you, he shouldn’t be allowed to work with other females?”
    “Well, smartass, the last time he worked with this particular female, he slept with her.”
    “Oh.” Bahan leaned back in his big old chair.
    “Seriously? That’s the best you can come up with? ‘Oh.’ ” She shook her head and dropped down into a chair in front of his desk. “Fucking men.”
    He laughed. “Hey, just because McGee’s in trouble doesn’t mean I’m going down with him.”
    “I got news—you already went down with him. The exact moment you confessed I’m your Agnes beard.” She sank deeper into the chair.
    He raised a brow.
    She hated that amused, you’re-such-a-female look. It made him look like he should be saying, Bond . . . James Bond. “What?” she finally asked.
    “You’re really twisted up about this, aren’t you?”
    “No. And that’s certainly not why I stopped by. I wanted your help with something else.”
    He held up his hand. “No, it’s okay, I’ll play Dr. Phil.” He leaned forward and steepled his hands. “So how does it make you feel knowing Ty and this other woman . . . shared evidence?”
    “You’re a dick,” Jordan said, but she laughed as she said it. “How do you think it makes me feel? I want to kick her ass.”
    “Does this woman have a name?”
    Now Bahan laughed. “Her name is Cherry-bomb?”
    “To me it is.”
    She felt like an idiot. They were joking around, but the thought of Isobel Riley underneath Ty or on top of Ty or up against a wall with Ty made her heart feel like it could explode right out of her chest.
    “All right,” he said, much more seriously now. “I’m guessing you’re overreacting as most females tend to do, but I’ll give you the lowdown from a man’s perspective.”
    He leaned his elbows on his desk. “First of all, do you honestly think he has feelings for this woman?”
    She shrugged, but then shook her head. “Not really. I don’t think so.”
    “How long was he with her? A couple weeks? A couple months?”
    Ty would not be happy she was discussing this. Hell, she wasn’t happy she was discussing it. But she did kind of want another guy’s perspective. “He said, and I quote, ‘it lasted about as long as it takes to brush your teeth and wasn’t quite as enjoyable.’”
    Bahan howled.
    “I’m glad you think my life falling apart is funny.”
    He coughed and threw on his poker face. “Sorry. Was there alcohol involved?”
    “I think so. He said that they had just wrapped up a case and went to a bar. Then they . . . you know . . . and then parted ways and never talked again.”
    Bahan rubbed a hand across his mouth as though fighting to hold back his amusement. “You’ve got nothing to worry about,” he said.
    “I know you’re a good investigator, but you can’t ask four questions and know whether or not . . .” She sighed, feeling incredibly foolish. “Never mind, you’re right. I’m being stupid, and I shouldn’t have mentioned it.”
    She dug into her bag and pulled out her dad’s file to change the subject.
    He slapped his hand down on top of the folder before she could open it. “Jordan, you are being stupid. How long did it take McGee to call after you had sex for the first time?”
    Her mouth dropped open. She’d been to hell and back—a few times over—with Bahan. But her sex life with Ty was awkward to talk about. Plus she had crossed a lot of lines with Ty on the last case and wasn’t overly anxious to admit that to Bahan.
    “You don’t have to answer,” he said. “But my point is, I’m betting he cared enough to get a hold of you.”
    She nodded, remembering all too well. After the first time she had sex with Ty, he’d been waiting for her the next day in the parking lot of Buck’s, insisting that they talk.
    “I’m no expert, but

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