and stared for a long time at her neck, finally leaning forward to press his lips against the offending spot. "I'd say you have a hickey, unless you have a strawberry birthmark."
Libby stared up at him, unable to believe he had managed to take her over like that. She was always in control. Always . She didn't lose her mind over men. She wasn't seduced by them and she certainly didn't have such powerful sexual reactions—not over an arrogant man who had absolutely no social skills, especially one who insulted her entire family. What was the matter with her? She wasn't all the way better. That was the only explanation for her madness.
"What drug?"
She blinked. "What are you talking about? I'm smart, Ty, but why is it I never know what you're talking about?" She let her hand glide over his sternum, rest there for just a moment before sliding it around to his ribs.
He tangled his fingers in her hair, rubbing the strands between his fingers and thumb. "You said you were drugged, that this isn't real. I want to know what drug you're taking."
"Aspirin. I had a headache."
"And aspirin causes you to become sexually excited? Kissable? Totally alluring?"
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He nodded. "Make certain you take one before our dinner date."
A slow smile brought his attention back to her mouth. "Ty, we don't have a date. I'd remember."
"Not necessarily. I'm not so memorable unless I'm kissing you and I didn't kiss you in the hospital. I realize now that that was a big mistake."
Libby shook her head and took a tentative step up the stairs. She felt shaky without his arms around her.
"What time is our date?"
He glanced at his watch. "In about a half hour."
"I can't get ready in half an hour. My hair's a mess and I need makeup to go out." She took a firm grip on the railing and pulled herself up the next stair. She was crazy to go out with him. He was arrogant and antisocial, didn't believe in magic and he thought all her sisters were con artists. He'd drive her crazy.
Libby touched her fingers to her lips. But the man could kiss and that counted for something.
"You don't need makeup, Libby. I like the natural look."
She laughed. "You like artfully done makeup that makes women look natural. If I went like this you'd tell me my nose was sunburned."
"It is."
"Go away, Ty, before I come to my senses and change my mind."
"An hour, Libby. I'll be back and you'd better not be hiding in your house."
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"At least you know my first name. If you'd kept calling me Drake I was going to shove you over the cliff."
"I kissed you. I can't call you Drake after I've kissed you."
"You have to forget you kissed me. There's no more kissing."
He touched the red mark on her neck. "There's proof. I won't be forgetting—and neither will you. Take the aspirin, Libby."
Chapter Five
"YOU have dirt all over your face and a hickey on your neck." Hannah greeted her sister with a cup of tea. "I don't suppose you want to tell me what you've been up to while I've been grocery shopping."
Libby blew on the steaming cup. "I have dirt on my face?" She was mortified. Of course she had dirt on her face. Dirt, a hickey and a bright red sunburned nose. She was about as elegant as it got. Standing next to Hannah didn't help. Tall, blond, a runway supermodel with unbelievable exotic looks, Hannah had appeared on nearly every magazine cover there was. Hannah was thin, but she couldn't look bad if she tried.
"Yep. Your face is streaked with dirt, like a commando or something. What have you been doing? And I'm particularly interested in the hickey."
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"It's a birthmark. A strawberry birthmark." Libby tried to look innocent as she sipped the hot tea.
Hannah nodded her head. "Mom will be interested in that
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