Tucking her close to his chest, he jostled her as little as possible in the pure white snowfield of the hospital bed as he bent to her throat.
Feeling his fangs grow long and hungry, he sank them into her jugular, draining her nearly dry before moving back. She was so rich and perfect.
How he loved her taste. How he loved her.
Ripping a wound in his wrist, he held it to her parched lips, massaging her neck to help her swallow. Her pale, pale skin began to take on more color as he fed her his blood, his life’s essence. She would require time to heal but now, he knew, she would survive. They would have eternity to share together while he taught her the ways of the darkness. She would be with him always.
When she had fed enough, he pulled his wrist gently back and sealed the wounds. He would need to feed well this night so that he could provide for her when she woke again. For now, sleep would claim her while her body underwent the enormous change that would make her immortal.
Dmitri left her in the hospital bed, not going far. He had much work to do and little time in which to do it. First, he changed the hospital records to show a remarkable recovery on her part and a late evening release. He found the few members of staff who would need to have their memories altered and took care of that within moments. He also took the time to feed just a little from each of the humans he cornered. Taking a little from each, he quickly built back his strength, leaving them none the wiser.
Within an hour he was back in her room, disconnecting her from the monitors and taking her in his strong arms as he left with her, through the fifth-story window. Shapeshifting quickly, he allowed large, leathery dragon wings to spread out behind him. He moved like the phantom he was through the dark night sky. There were few humans about at this hour, but he was darkness itself. None would see him. Or her, as he cradled her close in his arms.
He took her to the bedroom, two stories under her own bedroom in the house above ground. There he laid her gently on the rich fabric of his bed, tucking her under soft covers.
He sat at her bedside as he had for so many nights while watching her sleep. He dare not share the bed with her yet. She was still healing and changing, her body in pain as it reformed. He would keep careful watch over her for the slightest sign of discomfort. Only when she was well again would he take his place at her side, claiming her for all time. It was a moment he looked forward to with every fiber of his being.
Carly was bleary-eyed when she woke. The room was darker than she remembered, and her mind was in chaos, her body aching in so many new and different ways.
She became aware of eyes watching her from the chair beside the bed. A supreme sense of déjà vu came to her, as she recalled having this dream before.
“Dmitri? Is that you?”
The flare of a candle suddenly lit the darkness, causing her to squint.
“I’m here, my love.”
He leaned closer, his dark eyes warming in the flare of the candle flame, taking their heat and pulling it within his irises. He was so beautiful. He was a miracle.
“Am I dreaming?”
He came down beside her and gathered her into his strong arms, wrapping her gently within his strength. His lips found the side of her neck, sliding up over her jaw to seek out the corner of her lips, then moved to kiss her, his tongue thrusting deep inside. Her pulse pounded and there was a roaring in her ears. Her body felt so strange.
Dmitri kissed her long and deep, and she felt an ache in her teeth as they seemed to grow in her mouth. He pulled back, mesmerizing her senses as he moved down to lick at her pulse, his own teeth scraping back and forth in a rhythm that had her pussy clenching in time.
“Are you hungry, my love?” His voice growled low near her ear.
“Do you recall what you said to me in the hospital? That you would rather have eternity as my bride than
Laurence Shames
Janice Shefelman
Roberta Kells Dorr
David Hosp
Dez Burke
Stephen E. Ambrose, Karolina Harris, Union Pacific Museum Collection
Eugene W Cusie
Celeste Hall
Elisabeth Rose
Arthur Miller