Dragon on Top

Dragon on Top by G.A. Aiken

Book: Dragon on Top by G.A. Aiken Read Free Book Online
Authors: G.A. Aiken
    Then she was gone.
    â€œI wish she’d allowed me to cut the Low Born’s throat,” Kleitos told him, copious amounts of blood leaking from his nostrils, his entire snout slightly off. He slithered closer to Bram and hissed, “I would have enjoyed watching the life drain from your barbarian whore.”
    That’s when Bram headbutted the bastard again. You know . . . on principle.
    â€œOwwww! Why do you keep doing that? ”

Chapter 8
    Ghleanna awoke with a snarl and demanded, “Why am I human?”
    â€œCalm yourself or you’re likely to open your wound again.” Bram stood next to her. He was also in human form, dressed in a plain cotton shirt, black breeches, and black boots. They were in a rather large bedroom with a closed door. She’d guess it was locked.
    â€œAnswer me.” And her voice sounded weak to her own ears. “Why am I human?”
    â€œWhy do you think?” He sat down on the bed. “Because you’re a much bigger threat when you’re dragon.”
    â€œWhen last I woke, some Fin was standing over me with a blade.”
    â€œAye. You handled him, though.”
    â€œGood.” Ghleanna tried to sit up, but she was too weak to do it on her own and Bram wouldn’t let her. With his hands against her shoulders, he gently eased her back to the bed. “Relax, Ghleanna. You’re not going anywhere until that wound heals.”
    She panted from even that small exertion but she hated feeling like this. Like she couldn’t defend them both if need be.
    â€œYou look exhausted,” she told him. “Have you not slept at all?”
    â€œNot much. But that’s all right.”
    â€œWhere are we, Bram?”
    â€œPalace of the Sea Dragon Empress Helena.”
    â€œI thought an Emperor ruled the Fins.”
    â€œHe did—until his untimely death. Now it’s Helena’s empire to rule. And, unfortunately, Helena has heard about you, I’m afraid, or at least your kin. Hence your current human form.”
    Bram reached over and brushed her neck with the tips of his fingers. That’s when Ghleanna realized something was on her. She touched her throat, felt the metal around it.
    â€œA collar? They put a collar on me?”
    â€œIt’s a sorcerer’s tool that’s keeping you human. It’ll be removed when we leave. Is it uncomfortable?”
    â€œNot really. But it annoys me to know it’s there.” Ghleanna closed her eyes in disgust. “But no less than I deserve. I’ve fucked this all up royally.”
    â€œWhat are you talking about?”
    â€œThis.” She glanced around the room. “This is all my doing. Because I was weak and stupid.”
    â€œHow the hells can you blame yourself for any of this?”
    â€œWho else should I blame?”
    â€œGods, I don’t know . . . the traitors who set upon us perhaps?”
    â€œI should have listened to Rhiannon. I should have insisted on more warriors.”
    â€œNone of us took this seriously except Bercelak and Rhiannon. And even they never thought there would be such an attack.”
    Ghleanna let out a breath. “But I should have known.”
    â€œWhy you?”
    â€œBecause I’m smarter than all of you when it comes to general evilness and trickery. There are Elders who have many Dragonwarriors and soldiers in their debt for one reason or another. If they wanted to stop you from making this trip, they’re the lot who could do it. I should have remembered that and planned accordingly. But I was too busy feeling sorry for myself and trying to recover from that bloody hangover.”
    â€œThere were forces greater than you or I who were busy trying to stop us, Ghleanna. I realize that now. Those who will never accept Rhiannon as rightful queen. To stop me, to have me killed, would reflect very poorly on her and her young reign. Now here.” He slipped a hand under her

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