Voyage of the Moonstone

Voyage of the Moonstone by Joe Dever

Book: Voyage of the Moonstone by Joe Dever Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Dever
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, lone wolf, Magnamund
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moved by the plight of this brave young woman, has pledged to help her reach Bisutan where trusted friends will smuggle her to safety in neighbouring Kakush.
    Having heard her story and satisfied yourself that she poses no threat to your mission, you agree to allow her to travel with you to Bisutan aboard
The Pride of Sommerlund
. Oriah and Fernant thank you for your compassion, and the Lord-lieutenant suggests that perhaps it is time to retire for the night. He has his servant take Oriah to an adjoining chamber, and he offers you the use of a room upstairs. It is a very warm and humid night and you decide that perhaps it would be more comfortable if you were to sleep outside on the roof. Fernant has his servant bring you a mattress upon which you settle down to sleep under the desert stars.
    If you possess the Discipline of Astrology, turn to 133 .
    If you do not possess this skill, turn to 327 .

    As you step into this shop you are hit by a heady cocktail of powerful smells: metal polish, corrosive acid, and rust. You cough to clear your throat of the sickly taste left by these evil-smelling aromas, and suddenly the owner appears in a doorway at the back of the shop. He thinks that you are trying to attract his attention.
    He notes that you are a warrior and he lifts the lid on a large display counter so that you may inspect his weaponry. Each one is inlaid with finest silver and bears a neatly written price tag:
Broadsword — 8 Gold Crowns
Warhammer — 7 Gold Crowns
Dagger — 3 Gold Crowns
Axe — 8 Gold Crowns
Short Sword — 4 Gold Crowns
Arrows — 1 Gold Crown (each)
    If you wish to purchase one or more of the above Weapons, adjust your Action Chart accordingly.
    To leave the shop, turn to 17 .

    You use your Discipline to will the spider to return to its nest. The arachnid obeys your mental command and scurries away to disappear through a crack in the uneven bamboo floor. Your close encounter with this potentially deadly spider plays on your mind and you find it impossible to go back to sleep (lose 2 ENDURANCE points due to fatigue).
    At first light you gather together your equipment and go down to the paddock to collect your horse. The hostel-keeper calls you from the kitchen window and holds up a large plate of food that is your breakfast. The memory of the zuath crawling up your leg invades your mind and the thought robs you of your appetite. You wave the man farewell and then mount your horse and ride away across the courtyard.
    Turn to 314 .

    Your Arrow misses its intended mark. The steel tip grazes the creature's belly as it leaps into the air, yet the wound is superficial and it does not stop the beast from hurling itself successfully towards your ship.
    You are about to reload your Bow and fire again when suddenly there is a tremendous crash.
The Pride of Sommerlund
lurches violently and you are thrown backwards across the deck.
    Turn to 274 .

    Carefully you intone the words of the Brotherhood Spell Sense Evil . The moment you utter the final spell-word you suddenly realize that the shadowy creatures, whom you glimpsed lurking among the ruins of Kita Cove, are wholly evil. They possess a malicious power which could be directed against the ship. Immediately you inform Captain Raker of your discovery and urge him to steer the ship away from Kita Cove as swiftly as he can. The captain heeds your warning and commands his crew to unfurl every square inch of canvas to catch the prevailing winds which will carry you away from this sinister place.
    Turn to 287 .

    Over a delicious supper of fish roe and steamed vegetables (restore 2 ENDURANCE points), you learn that the old man's name is Yranai and that he is a native of Hikas. He was on his way home from Bisutan aboard his flying craft when it developed a mechanical problem, and he was forced to make an unscheduled landing in the hills just a few miles to the south of this town. He is staying overnight at the tavern while the blacksmith

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