Dragon Lords 4-Warrior Prince

Dragon Lords 4-Warrior Prince by Unknown

Book: Dragon Lords 4-Warrior Prince by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
was sitting before her on the bed with only a towel between his naked body and her. Gulping, she made quick work of wrapping up his arm.
    "You shouldn’t have any problems with this," she said. "I know it might itch, but don’t scratch at it anymore. That’s why it was bleeding."
    Zoran gave her an idle grin.
    "There, you’ll be fine." Pia tied off the end and turned to leave.
    "Wait." Zoran reached out to grab her hand. Pia blinked in surprise, turning around to study him. There was a lot he wanted to say to her. She could see it in his eyes, but he held back. "Is there anything you need? You seemed ... concerned that I was going to be working."
    "Oh, no, it’s fine," she answered. His brow rose in disbelief. "Well, it’s just I’m not used to being trapped in a house all day and there isn’t a lot of food in the kitchen. I don’t wish to be a burden and, since I don’t plan on staying married to you, I’m more than willing to get a job to pay my own way until we can get this mess fixed...."
    Pia let her voice die off. His face had darkened with her effortless denial of their marriage.
    "Pia," Zoran said. His jaw was very tight and worked against his flesh as he tried not to yell at her. He took a deep breath, standing to tower over her. "I’ll only tell you this one more time. You are my wife and that’s the end of it. If you need something I’ll provide it for you. If you need food, I’ll buy it. If you desire new clothes, I’ll buy them. If you want to leave the house, I’ll take off early tomorrow and show you around so you don’t get lost. But, make no mistake. This is your new home. I’m your husband and there will be no divorce."
    "That’s what you say," Pia said. There was a distinct finality to his words and she felt like she was a soldier being given a command. She wrinkled her nose in distaste. "I’m sorry, but I’ll convene the royal council. It’s nothing personal--"
    "Nothing personal?" he bellowed in disbelief. "You talk of divorcing me and you say it’s nothing personal?"
    "Zoran," she began, trying to keep her tone soft, though there was a definite edge to her words. "You are a very nice man and you will make someone very happy--"
    "You have no grounds for divorce," he declared, cutting into her placating speech with a slash of his angry hand. "To even bring it up to the council will dishonor us both. I can provide for you. I can give you sons. What will be your reason?"
    "I ... " Pia hesitated. How could she explain when she wasn’t sure herself? I’m scared of you and how you look at me. I think you’re too handsome and strong and I want a wimpy husband who doesn’t have such a striking voice, or a devilishly wicked grin. I want a man who can’t give me children because I’m scared of being touched or looked at.
    "I," she tried again. Her eyes dotted with moisture.
    "Out with it!" Zoran yelled, waving his hand through the air.
    "You are just impossible!" Pia screamed at him instead. "You’re nothing but a big baby who has to have his way! You don’t want me, you’re just mad because I don’t want you! Well, get over yourself! I’m getting a divorce and there is nothing you can say or do to stop me!"
    Pia stormed away.
    "What about your contract?" he asked, as a last effort.
    Pia stiffened, stopping in the doorway.
    "I received a copy of it," he said. In fact, he’d requested it. The way she’d referred to it in the tent, he’d been most curious to know what the corporation had on her to make her follow him regardless of how she felt at the time. It’d been clear she wanted to leave the tent, but was too scared to.
    Pia’s breath deepened with long pants of air. She couldn’t look at him.
    "You’ll owe them a lot of money if you leave me."
    "I can pay it back," she lied, her voice a trembling whisper.
    "If you could have, you wouldn’t be here," he said.
    "I can go on another trip," she said, feeling suddenly trapped. "I can find a different husband to

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