War Against the White Knights
untouchable lowest of the low. We of Earth were so reviled that our name came to be a symbol of the outcast. Whatever our biology we are all here the humans of this empire.”
    Arun hesitated. Del did this so much better because he spoke of a truth deeper than simple facts. The facts were that the Human Legion was an alliance of more than simply the downtrodden. It included races such as the Littoranes and Jotuns, races held in high regard by the White Knights, as much as any client race could be. But that was the point: they were still clients , subservient to a master race, and that was the bond that united all the Legion. That was the bond Arun relied on now as he pressed on.
    “To be Human was once a badge of shame, but our enemies miscalculated. Thrown together at the bottom of the barrel, we found each other and discovered strength in our diversity. Littoranes are skilled shipbuilders filled with religious fervor and a deep understanding of nature. Nimble Gliesans are natural pilots for our X-Boats. Our doughty Tallermans offer strength, resilience and patience – qualities evolved to enable them to endure their homeworld’s long winters. The secret people of Khallini are the greatest cyber warriors, as the Jotuns are Master tacticians in the physical plane. To be human is to be strong – strong enough to win our freedom. The word ‘human’ has grown from being a term of contempt to become a rallying cry for the dispossessed, inspiring terror in the hearts of those who oppose us.”
    Lieutenant-General Graz rubbed the rocky plates of her hide together, making a deep grinding rumble that indicated the Tallerman’s irritation. “Your talk of humans as a rallying cry is all very well, General McEwan, but I notice you make no specific mention of the humans of Earth. What is your role? There are nine Legion commanders in this conference and three are descendants of Homo sapiens . Is this a sign that if we defeat the White Knights, you humans will set yourselves up as new tyrants?”
    “We of Earth are the glue that binds the alliance together,” Arun replied.
    “How very convenient for the Night Hummers,” countered the Tallerman commander. She swiveled her dome-like head through 360 degrees, assessing the reaction of the other commanders. A favorite saying of the Tallermans was that before you step forward, first look behind.
    “The Night Hummers set you on this path that led to the Human Legion,” said Graz. “Have we allowed our noble talk of symbols and freedom to deafen us to the truth: that we are obediently following Hummer orders? General McEwan, did the Night Hummers suggest this secret fleet?”
    Admiral Kreippil’s tail shivered. Arun had never seen the Littorane so angry.
    “Lieutenant-General Graz,” said Kreippil, “rein back your caution before it strays into open dissent. Not only was the secret fleet not a Night Hummer idea, but Hummers were removed from ships before they were diverted from their original course. Communication with ‘Z’ Fleet is strictly limited to encrypted chbits. We have taken every precaution to ensure the Hummers do not know of the fleet.”
    “Oh,” said Graz, “so you were one of the favored few who knew of this scheme.”
    “For a hundred generations we have known of a hidden warfleet that would deliver us from our captivity,” thundered Kreippil, his gills flapping in time with his tail swishes. “There are still some on my homeworld who believe the Hummers speak for the gods, but those of us who serve with the Legion learned beyond doubt that, in spite of their base form, it is General McEwan and the venerated Admiral Indiya who channel the will of the gods. You and I might die in our next battle, General Graz, but our cause cannot fail. Do you doubt our divine sanction?”
    “Your foresight makes you a powerful ally,” said Graz, who could prove a formidable diplomat, belying her appearance as an inanimate slab of rock. “But have you forgotten that

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