Dragon Frost
“No fair!” complains Zannan as
he yanks his slender arm from my grasp and crosses his arms. “You
always get the best of us.” he mutters, his lips pulled into an
evident pout as if he’s had a piece of chocolate taken from
    “ I agree
with Zannan. Why don’t you go easy on us?” cries Theo. I shake my
head.  They have a lot to learn.  I smile down at them for some reason
children seem to bring out a more maternal side, I never thought I
had, especially these two and Tessa who seem to be the very few
young cadets at the university.
    “ If I
went easy on you all the time you wouldn’t try hard.” This catches
their attention, I turn from them and take a seat on a nearby stone
bench that is nestled before a tranquil waterfall the atmosphere of
the place made me relax a little more it made me feel at ease even
if it is just for a small amount of time before I’m placed another
mission. The boys look at me confused and I fight back a
    “ What do
you mean by that?”
    “ I mean .
. . you won’t try if it’s easy, am I right?” They reluctantly nod
their heads. “Good, now get out of here.” I demand.
    “ Why? We
want to spar!” they plea. I shake my head.
    “ Not now,
this is my RNR time.” The boys give me a blank stare and I sigh.
“I’ll tell you some other time, now go and run along, play with
kids your own age.” I say and turn back to my book thankfully they
leave and I return to the world of my imagination. I don’t know how
many hours had passed that I spent captivated by the words on the
countless pages. I only had just noticed the sudden dim in lights.
I look up, the tall garden lanterns are lit and I can’t believe I
didn’t even notice who lit them.  Time sure does fly when you’re
busy.  The thought
of it made me turn to the time, the large circular clock sits high
on the end wall overlooking the garden and displaying the time.
Realizing it is late, I end my book there and return to my room
knowing that my day off was well spent.
    The next
day arrives like a blur, I sit on a large boulder, snow at my feet,
my uniform remains the same since I’m not affected by the cold.
Even though the majority of Zylarian stories were written in
Zylarian characters, over a period of time it practically becomes
like English. Simple and easy to understand, once you get your head
around the small tricks here and there. Still, the Chief hasn’t
informed me about what the package is or if Varden is the true heir
or not. I didn’t press and whenever I saw him I tried not to think
about the tasks. I just wanted some time alone, some time to gather
when it occurred.
    The city
bells echo in the distance. The same very bells used to warn the
city of a demon attack, a raid or an invasion. My gaze turns to the
sound and smoke meets the blue sky, it’s black—too black. I hear
screams and cries and racing hearts that only I can hear from five
kilometers away and I sprint through the peaceful meadow and
towards the city, leaving my book behind in the forest not that it
mattered. If people died because I wasted time trying to find a way
to preserve the well—written scripture, I couldn’t live with
myself. Their screams of pain and fear fill my ears. Their hearts
hammer against their chest as their lungs desperately fight to
breathe. If they don’t burn, the smoke will kill them.
    I glide
down the streets my cloak whipping in the wind behind me, as I pass
people, their faces masked with sorrow and pain, masked with loss
and defeat. Several buildings were set alight and the heat it
radiated could be smelt miles away by a wild boar or deer. I haul
myself over wooden fences, abandoned crates and carriages, under
excited horses where at one point I was sure I would be killed. To
be stomped alive will be a mockery on my death certificate. Still I
made sure my life was insured since I don’t know when I will die
but just because I can die doesn’t mean I was going to give up

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