Dragon Frost
was my skin. There
is something about our scales removing themselves every year for a
whole week for the necessity of reproduction. However, they weren’t
always black, my uniform was blue as my eyes lined in silver and
black around my three layered armour which is engraved in an
ancient language for protection against the battle of
ironic thing about that is when you are half one, your expected to
kill what practically made you. Still not even the angels and gods
are saints. That is something I have to remind myself, after all,
the majority of demons are now, fallen angels. The amount of times
they lied and deceived their own kind so they can wonder on random
worlds, I and many of my people, would have to turn a blind eye at
their actions because our father Neragarden helped created us even
if it wasn’t intentional. As such we had and have to respect his
wishes. There’s no wonder why  she , Hella is the second wife of Satan and the sister of
Lilith is our mother even though she’s not
exactly  my  mother.
That woman I vowed I would never be like and yet there are things
that I would do the things she would do, I subconsciously
    I had to
pull myself up on that a few times since she seems to have some
small grain of power over me that if I don’t mind will grow like a
cancer. She may have given birth to me but she’s friends with the
demon queens, therefore, if given the opportunity to I will have to
kill her. Not that I’ll hesitate. My sister and father are the ones
I truly treasure even though they are no longer with me. I knew the
day I found out what she did, I vowed I would never make the same
opportunity to prove I’m not like my mother just may happen, since,
Altair is the person I’m expected to marry. We aren’t betrothed
since my parents had nothing to do with it. However, a form of gene
therapy on our world is known as ‘Tylif’. It is what determines
Nefelian citizens of nobility, politics, business, science and
military the best-potential mate based on their genetic blueprints
creating a possible ideal child between them. So naturally, women
of my class had to marry men based on if they are our other half,
if they can carry the duties we may have in equivalence that goes
both ways though. Sadly, we have no say in it and I’m not going to
go against the ‘Royal Court’.
still a stupid idea but people who are too busy to settle down have
Tylif to do all the things they don’t have time for. In a way it’s
good and bad but just like anything it’s not perfect. So there’s no
excuse when trying to increase our populous size since we are an
advanced warrior race who have been around for a very long time and
I mean before Earth. My people have battled other worlds, demons,
plagues, famine and poverty countless times proving we never had
time to really battle ourselves but as such, many lives were lost
over the centuries. Now, there’s only a handful of Nefaliem. Since
our race, aren’t barbarians the idea of sharing men and women
around didn’t seem healthy. So therefore, Tylif was
    I leave
my room with my cloak covering my scales that lines the majority of
my body’s contours. With people around, we as Nefaliem were
required to be modest especially in front of other students when on
our worlds our clothes are our scales. I wind my way down various
halls and find myself in a courtyard; the sound of clashing metal
can be heard close-by as Instructors teach their students. This
wasn’t just any Academy but a University. “There you are, I’ve been
looking for you.” says a familiar voice, I turn to see Tessa
smiling at me and I quirk a brow.
    “ What’s
up? Shouldn’t you be in class?”
    “ I am and
we, kind of, have a bit of a situation . . . ” she confesses and I
frown at her words and wait for her to go on before she
reluctantly, continues. “Sir Amandale has bound himself with a
Wiccan spell.” I stare at her wondering if I

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