associated with animal
play , pet play or furries , and while it may share key
characteristics with them, it stands apart from them due to its focus on
instincts, perception, disdain for social conventions, and an agonizingly unpredictable
D/s dynamic . This all may seem a bit confusing to you until you
actually get to know someone who is a Primal, or suddenly come to the
realization that you happen to be one, yourself. With that in
mind, the best place to start may be by asking yourself the following
questions: Am I a Primal? If I was, how would I know?
I’ve come up with just the thing to help you learn
the answers to those questions. It’s an amusing little quiz, which I’ve
narcissistically entitled “Michael Makai’s PRIMAAL Analysis.” The PRIMAAL
acronym stands for Preliminary Research on Instinctive Mannerisms &
Assessment of Animalistic Loving. I created the PRIMAAL Analysis for
three reasons. First, I believe it may be able to help a lot of people
who may be Primals, and have been struggling to find their niche in the
D/s culture. Second, I think it does a pretty good job of illustrating
many of the common mannerisms and characteristics of Primals to those who may
be unclear on the concept. And third, creating it was a lot of fun .
If you can’t have a little fun while writing a book, then what’s the
So, at the risk of again sounding like a worn-out
Jeff Foxworthy comedy routine, we’re going to explore some of the tell-tale
signs which may indicate that you just might be a Primal. To
take the quiz, simply use a pencil (so you can erase the marks later) to
darken the circle next to each statement with which you find yourself in complete
agreement. If the statement doesn’t seem to apply to you, or you are
not sure what it means, don’t worry too much about it. Just move on to
the next statement.
When you’re done, tally up the number of marks
to get your score, and compare it with the chart that follows the test.
Makai’s PRIMAAL Analysis
P reliminary R esearch
on I nstinctive M annerisms and A ssessment of A nimalistic L oving
You could be a Primal...
· If a battle for dominance is both
erotic and enraging.
· If you've ever actually growled or
snarled at someone, and meant it.
· If you've ever sniffed someone
at your first meeting.
o Award yourself an extra point if it
was below the waist.
· If you've ever bitten someone,
and weren’t playing.
o Award yourself an extra point for
drawing blood.
· If you enjoy petting your partner and
being petted yourself.
· If you believe that pouncing on someone is a perfectly acceptable greeting.
· If you know what the phrase “ heightened
senses” means, because you experience it regularly.
· If you’ve ever circled another
person, evaluating them as prey.
o Award yourself an extra point if they were .
· If you get an incredible thrill from
a chase.
o Award yourself an extra point if it
involves tackles and pins.
· If establishing dominance is always unplanned,
unscripted, and occurs with each new person.
· If you can imagine biting and
scratching as being better than sex .
o Award yourself an extra point if it actually
· If you’ve ever marked something or
someone with your scent as a way of saying, “Mine!”
· If the first thing you think of when
you hear the word “pack" isn’t “ suitcase .”
o Award yourself an extra point if your pack takes priority over family.
· If you rarely buy band-aids, because you
prefer to just lick your wounds.
o Award yourself an extra point if you
lick other people’s wounds, too.
· If your first response to a challenge
is usually
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