Do Dead People Watch You Shower?

Do Dead People Watch You Shower? by Concetta Bertoldi Page B

Book: Do Dead People Watch You Shower? by Concetta Bertoldi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Concetta Bertoldi
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difficult to change. I do not want to change anyone’s belief system, at least not just so they will like or believe in me! I simply want to help people expand their knowledge to include the reality of life after death. There are skeptics who seem to enjoy debating this topic and they have helped me become more tolerant and understanding. Eventually, the skeptics will cross to the Other Side and then all things will be revealed to them. Then they will no longer be able to deny the truth. When I first started doing readings I was afraid of people not believing me or putting me down. But now I’m confident enough that it doesn’t bother me.

If psychics are “real,” why can’t they warn us about global disasters?
    Well, some do. The trouble is the timing. We just can’t be exact about that because it’s so different on the Other Side where that information is coming from. We can’t make an exact prediction of when, and even what is going to happen can be open for debate.

How do you handle it if you see or hear negative things from the Other Side?
    I don’t really get too many negative messages. Unless someone is critically ill or very old, this kind of message is just not typical. Sometimes people who are sick or dying come to me and I’ll know it. I’d never say it, but sometimes they’ll ask me, “How long do I have?” And I will tell them the truth. I might say, “They’re telling me it’s not that long. You should go do what you want to do.” On occasion someone will say they’ve been told by a doctor that they have three months and I might hear differently, and I’ll say, “Uh-uh. You’ve got longer than that. At least that’s what They are telling me.” I try to put it in a way that will be as easy as possible for the person to hear, but I always tell the truth of what I’m hearing. I owe that to my clients.

Do you ever see that someone is going to be hit by a bus?
    People do ask me that kind of thing. Like “I’m gonna fly, I haven’t flown in a few years, is the plane gonna crash?” Or they’ll say, “Is there anything I should know? Is anything bad going to happen to me? What do they know?” That’s not the kind of thing They’ll tell me because there are things we are not supposed to know. Some things They can divulge, some They can’t. It’s very individual, I believe it has to do with our soul purpose, and also our free will. If you’re given the answer to your test, you learn nothing. Sometimes I can “sense” safety and then I will say, “They’re telling me that you will be safe, so go, enjoy!”
    Very early on I realized you have to be careful how you tell people things. Once I had a woman who came for a reading and she asked, “Are my children safe?” I saw fire. I said, “I don’t see a house, but I do see a little flame and They’re telling me to watch your daughter.” She became very upset, like how dare I tell her this? How could she protect her daughter if she didn’t know what exactly was going to happen or when? I mean, she asked me—how was I supposed to know she didn’t really want to know? I guess along with talking to dead people I’m also supposed to be a mind reader. But the following summer she wrote me a letter to say that her family was having a barbecue, her husband was manning the grill and talking not watching, and their little girl was next to him and the grill burst into flames—big flames shooting up. She yelled, “Tony!” and he turned and knocked the little girl out of the way. She said she was so sorry for the way she had treated me. This made me feel better, but still, I’d learned my lesson. At all times, I bear in mind that I’m not God. It’s too much pressure.
    I think warnings are the easiest kind of message to screw up. I do hear warnings for myself and I know that I’ve been kept out of some bad spots by paying attention to them. But John has had a harder time listening to help from over there. One day when

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