Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing & miracles a part of your everyday life (The Kingdom of God Made Simple Book 1)

Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing & miracles a part of your everyday life (The Kingdom of God Made Simple Book 1) by Praying Medic

Book: Divine Healing Made Simple: Simplifying the supernatural to make healing & miracles a part of your everyday life (The Kingdom of God Made Simple Book 1) by Praying Medic Read Free Book Online
Authors: Praying Medic
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I’ve prayed for who did not manifest healing while I was with them, but were later found to be completely healed. This isn’t always the case, but it happens often enough to make me cautious about assuming someone wasn’t healed.
    In September of 2012, my wife and I traveled to Australia to teach on healing and deliverance. Part of our time was spent ministering to men and women who lived in shelters and hostels. One night we received a testimony from a man who was healed of a toothache as he stood next to me while I handed out sandwiches. No one prayed with him. He said he could feel a “presence” around us that he noticed as soon as we arrived.
    Bill Johnson has seen many people healed by sovereign acts of God. There are many testimonies of people receiving their healing as they walked through the doorway of Bethel’s prayer room, before receiving prayer. Johnson believes the sovereign acts of healing are God’s way of leading us into greater things. What God does sovereignly, He does as an example for us. He wants us to pursue intentionally, what we see Him do sovereignly.
    In 2011, I transported a man from one hospital to another hospital after his fingers were crushed in an industrial accident. When I picked him up he was in severe pain. While interviewing him I learned that he also had chronic back pain from bulging lumbar discs and that he was presently having pain in his lower back. I asked if he wanted to be healed of the pain in his back. I had a lot of faith for seeing back pain healed but much less faith for traumatic injuries, so I chose the one I had greater faith for as the starting point.
    He said he wanted to be healed so I invited God’s presence to come into the ambulance and I placed my hand on his left side. I shared with him the dream I had about God’s presence healing the man in the ambulance and a couple of recent testimonies of healing. I didn’t ask God to heal him or command his injuries to be healed. I just shared the stories with him and waited for God to make His move. A few minutes later he said, “You’re freaking me out. The pain in my back is gone.” After the pain in his back was healed, I commanded his heavily-bandaged fingers to be healed. Before we arrived at the hospital, the pain in his hand had subsided enough that he wanted to go to sleep. I was not able to see if his fingers were completely healed because of the bandages.
    I often ask God to bring His presence into the room or ambulance while ministering healing. The concept of God’s presence puzzles some people. A friend once asked, “If God lives in us, and we are one with Him then how can He also be apart from us?”
    In order to answer this question, I’d like to do a brief survey from the Bible on the operation of the Holy Spirit and God’s presence.
    Some leaders teach that the Holy Spirit no longer rests “upon” God’s people as He did in the Old Testament. They believe that as a result of the new birth, because the Holy Spirit lives
of us, we no longer need the Holy Spirit to rest
us. This would seem to make sense, but let’s look at what the Bible says about how the Holy Spirit operates today.
    In John chapter 14, Jesus taught the disciples about the relationship they would have with the Holy Spirit:
    “I will pray the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever – the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it neither sees Him nor knows Him; but you know Him, for He dwells with you and will be in you.”

JN. 14:16-17
    Here we see two different relationships that believers can have with the Holy Spirit. He can dwell
us and
us. But there is a third relationship Jesus said they would have. In the first chapter of the book of Acts, He commissioned them, saying they would receive power when the Holy Spirit came
(epi) them:
    “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me

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