Divine Deception: The Will Traveller Chronicals
from which I was to address my people.
Concerned that the hefty climb might be too much for the old man, I
suggested he and Susan stay on the ground. They agreed and I began
the easiest accent of a double flight of stairs in my life, my feet
actually stayed three of four centimetres off the steps! I
literally floated up those steps and arrived, absolutely
effortlessly, on the speaker’s lectern.
    There were two
completely different types of audio chaos. One of them was the
multitudinous and very excited crowd, with all their cheering and
clapping, the other racket was only in my poor head.
    “This is their
God?” “Looks like them to me” “I’ve never seen ‘em so emotional”
Along with a host of other comments, were cluttering up my ability
to think. As I held my hands up, I also sent a telepathic mental
message to all the animals.
    “I am Lord Robert,
come to see the work of my people and all those of my kingdom” I
telepathed “You must cease your talk until I’ve heard what the
humans have to say” I told them silently. While the racket still
echoed in my ears, my head was totally silent. All the animals had
ceased to move around and were now looking up at me.
    All except for the
elephants, their three pairs of eyes were level with mine, and from
a hundred metres away I could see the comprehension dawn on the
three of them.
    “It shall be as
you command Lord Robert” The giant in the middle nodded his head
slightly. My raised hand eventually brought about an end to all the
welcoming cheers and applause. The tallest of the group of five
raised a megaphone to his mouth and almost yelled. “We the grateful
people of Carabindy Province have long awaited the return of our
patron. Your Excellency Lord Robert” He called out “We offer you
our best and beg that you enjoy our humble welcoming ceremony” He
    It would have been
impossible not to. Upwards of a hundred children, all decked out in
streamers that ran the gamut of the colour red, ran out behind the
five men and escorted them to the rear of the enormous semi circle,
then they danced their way into a human fence, around a football
sized field. Into this prettily fenced oval leapt a half a dozen
youths, dressed identically to myself, and the same number of dogs,
all dressed up to represent wild animals. The valiant ‘Lord
Roberts’ fought mock battles with the brilliantly trained dogs, who
seemed to be having lots of fun as well. For the next twenty
minutes the presentation included several variations of this all
conquering hero routine and must have featured almost a thousand
children, aged from ten to sixteen. But it was the big finale that
really got to me though.
    Born by one of the
elephants and gently riding to the ground on the huge animal’s
trunk, a slim young man brought a megaphone to his mouth and after
bowing to me, turned to face the largest crowd that I had ever
seen. He prepared himself to give a speech.
    “The Covenant of
Carabindy Province. Ordained as the law of this State by Patriarch
Founder Lord Robert of the Supreme Family” The young man intoned,
in a clear and as yet unbroken voice “All men and women are born
free and equal” He paused “No-one shall be denied the right to
pursue the positive actions of their choice. Destruction without
cause is forbidden. No animal should be killed but for food and
clothing. Effort must be rewarded by progression through society’s
ranks. No-one shall use anything which does not belong to them,
without the consent of the owner” The young man paused dramatically
between each edict.
    “No-one shall
place their personal benefit ahead of the State’s welfare. No-one
shall behave in a way that harms or disturbs the efficient, safe
and equitable running of the State’s affairs. In observing this
Covenant the people of Carabindy Province shall remain free,
industrious and at peace with the world”. The youth then held up
his hands and the entire crowd repeated the last line in

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