Discovery (Hybrid Book 1)
we get there I’ll send some messengers out to let everyone know where we are.”
    By this time, they’d reached the poor animal.
    The poker had entered the gelding’s neck from the front, but although it was still lodged in its flesh, it wasn’t too deep but she had no real idea of the structures she’d be dealing with.
    “Can you help him too?” Tenset asked softly.
    Chesara could see the pain and panic in the white that was showing in the poor beast’s eye. She’d never healed a horse before, but she didn’t see why she couldn’t.
    “He’s flesh and blood the same as you,” she murmured more to herself than Tenset as she continued to examine the wound whilst trying to calm the pain-filled animal.
    “It’ll have to come out before I can heal it, but he’ll be able to go right after I’ve healed him, the blood loss isn’t too bad, unlike you. You’ll need to take it easy and drink plenty of fluids. I beefed up your blood production, but the raw materials have to come from somewhere. I’ll just check what things should be like on the other one...”
    She moved to the other horse, leaning into its soft comforting bulk as she sank her perceptions into the vibrant flesh as she checked the healthy structures she’d be working on in the injured animal. The brief rest seemed to help as the horse nibbled gently at her hair. Tenset’s voice made her reluctantly open her eyes.
    “We could cut him free and double up on this one. We’ll ditch the carriage, it’ll take far longer by road, and I’ve sent the driver home. Can you ride?”
    She gave him a ‘stupid man’ look.
    “Of course I can ride. I’m actually rather good at it,” Chesara huffed, and then blushed as Tenset’s raised eyebrows and smirk..
    She smacked at his arm. “Grow up will you.”
    She couldn’t let her own feelings get in the way of helping this poor animal. The med bay and Dagus seemed like it’d happened days ago, not the few hours it had actually been. Connor would not be a happy bunny if he knew what she’d been doing, but then again, she doubted that the fight or Tenset’s injuries would have occurred. He would have let her help Roseanne though.
    “Wait for me to deaden the nerves, and then when I nod, pull the poker out, slowly and steadily, so I can stop any serious bleeding as we go.”
    Tenset patted the horse’s shoulder and murmured calm words to reassure it.
    “You didn’t deaden any of my nerves, do you like horses more than people? Or is it just me?” he asked with a smile, showing he was just playing.
    “Maybe,” she said with a grin of her own, deciding that two could play at cheeky.
    “However he,” she indicated the horse with her chin as her hands were already placed on either side of the bolt, “is likely to stomp on me if I hurt him, and you were barely conscious. Besides he’s not in danger of bleeding to death in the next two minutes.”
    Much to her amusement she saw his face fall as her words brought it home just how close to death he’d actually been.
    “Ready?” she chirped brightly, and at his nod, she closed her eyes and focused. Horse anatomy was quite a bit different to human, but nerves were nerves, and she soon found them, and slowly changed the chemical composition of the membranes, making transmission of pain impulses impossible.
    Keeping her eyes closed she nodded, and the flesh under her hands jerked slightly as the metal rod was slowly but firmly pulled out. She immediately went to work on stopping the bleeding, before repairing the wound, knitting the blood vessels and flesh together, she didn’t bother with making the skin ’pretty’, and she left the nerve block in place because she didn’t have the energy to remove it.
    Leaning against the mountain of warm flesh for a moment as her head spun slightly seemed a sensible idea. The multiple healings on top of Dagus this morning, plus the fact she still hadn’t eaten were telling on her. She’d used her patients energies as

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