Discovery (Hybrid Book 1)

Discovery (Hybrid Book 1) by Emma Jaye Page A

Book: Discovery (Hybrid Book 1) by Emma Jaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emma Jaye
Tags: Alien, menage, scifi romance, scifi erotica, hybrid
much as possible to heal themselves, but now she had a throbbing headache and the ground was looking awfully comfortable.
    A finger lifted her chin, and she opened her eyes to a face full of concern. “You all right sweetheart?”
    “I’ll survive; just tell me there’s a bed with my name on it not too far away.”
    Tenset gave her a smile that she just knew had melted far harder hearts than hers and leaned in to kiss her gently.
    “You are truly unique,” he murmured against her lips.
    White-hot anger followed the brief stab of epic humiliation.
    “You fucking son of a putrid Kackbad. Idiot that I am, here was I thinking it was me you liked, but just like everyone else I’ve ever met, you’re only interested in what I can do.”
    The sooner she got out of here and back to Connor so she get off this stinking hell hole of a planet the better.

    C hesara’s reaction to the line he’d used so successfully, many times before caught him completely by surprise. Most women loved to be considered unique and special.
    He stood in silent amazement as she swiftly undid the harness of the horse she’d healed, whilst exposing him to the most eclectic repertoire of intergalactic insults he’d ever heard. Hell, he only understood about a third of the things she was saying, and he didn’t want to know the meaning of the rest.
    He came back to his senses as she pulled herself up onto its bare back.
    “I’m fucking tired, dirty, and sick to death of being seen as a freak. I’m going back to the embassy, and if your precious Lord and Lady Harmon still want my help, they’d better get to the port before breakfast cos I’m going home.”
    Before she could kick the horse forward, he reached up and grabbed its bridle. He’d been somewhat stunned by his sweet and seemingly innocent companion’s skilful use of profanities, but her taking off back to the embassy was certainly not part of the plan.
    “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to upset you.” He indicated his blood soaked shirt. “Obviously I’m glad you can do what you can do, otherwise I’d be dead, and Roseanne would be in that bed for the rest of her life. But I’d like to say, that even without your healing ability, you would be remarkable, particularly because of your charming, genteel personality and astonishing grasp of ‘exotic’ language.”
    He hit her with his best smile and twinkling eyes, it’d never failed, then again the ‘unique’ line had never failed anyway.
    As she let out a snort of amusement, he knew his famous charm was working again, although he hadn’t had to work this hard for a woman for years. It was, refreshing.
    “You are clearly exhausted, and although I hate to admit it, I’ve felt better. As my home is far nearer than either the embassy or the palace, I suggest we head there. I don’t think either of us should be travelling any more than we have to tonight.”
    He could see her considering the distance they’d come since leaving the embassy. A slight drizzle of rain in the air seemed to make up her mind, although she wasn’t giving in entirely.
    “Fine.” A finger jabbed in his direction. “As long as you promise to get me back to the embassy first thing tomorrow, you have a deal. And I’m not going to carry on pretending to be something I’m not, this is me, foul language and all. If you don’t like it, tough.”
    She pulled the horse’s head away from his grasp, sending it into a canter in their original direction.
    Hastily he mounted the other horse although the movement pulled at his newly repaired chest. At least she hadn’t set off at a gallop. The moonlight was bright, but still, she didn’t know the road and the possibility of her falling pushed yet more adrenaline into his body.
    “You ok?” he asked when he caught up with her a few minutes later.
    “Will you stop asking me that?” she snapped back, and he grinned.
    “What are you laughing at country boy?”
    Tenset just shook his head. Telling

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