
Disconnected by Bethany Daniel

Book: Disconnected by Bethany Daniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Bethany Daniel
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                  "Mrs. Quinn?" Scott asks tentatively.
                  She turns towards him and for a minute her eyes widen, and then she smiles at him. "Scott? Oh, sweetie, Krista's told me so much about you." She walks over and gets on her tip toes to hug around his shoulders. "Have they told you anything?"
                  He scowls, shaking his head, "No, ma'am. Because I'm not her husband, I have no right to know her medical issues without your permission."
                  She sighs, slips her arm into his like she's known him his whole life, and tugs him towards a set of chairs.
                  "Ok, first off, please call me Sarah." She smiles softly up at him. "I have a feeling we're going to be around each other for a long time."
                  He smiles and nods, "Yes, ma'am...Sarah."
                   She pats his hand and takes a deep breath, and I see tears forming in her eyes. "Krista had to have surgery because she had some internal bleeding. They repaired that, but her brain is swollen. She isn't responsive right now, so they are putting her into a medically induced coma.” A tear rolls down her cheek and she wipes it away. "It's for the best right now, so she won't fight recovery."
                  Scott looks down and silently squeezes her hand. "Thank you for telling me, Mrs. Quinn....uh, Sarah." He smiles tightly and rubs at his eyes. "Is it ok with you if I stick around?"
                  "Of course, sweetheart," She wipes another tear falling down her cheek. "My husband should be getting here soon. He had some things to take care of at his office. I know he'll enjoy meeting you; Krista really talks highly of you."
                  He nods absently and I think he's lost in his own thoughts about what she's told him.
                  "I'm really sorry, Mrs. Quinn," I speak up. "Krista is Katy's best friend and I know she loves her a lot. I hope she’s able to make a quick, full recovery."
                  "Thank you...Liam, right?"
                  "Yes ma'am."
                  "I just love your Katy; she's been the best of friends to Krista through these last couple years of college. She and Krista are tough girls; they'll make it through this, one way or another. I have no doubt."
                  "Thank you...I'm just so worried right now. I just want to be able to sit with her and know she's really ok." I sigh, closing my eyes tight. "I hate this, and I hate Alexia for causing all this!"
                  "Alexia?" Sarah asks, "Whose Alexia?"
                  Scott looks at me and nods. "She should know how all this happened."
                  "Alexia is one of our co-stars. A few years ago when Katy and I separated, we had a...fling. Since then she's been obsessed with me, and I guess she saw Katy as competition." My hands clench into fists and I look up into her eyes. "She did this. Alexia caused the wreck because she wanted Katy dead."
                    She gasps, putting her hand over her mouth. "Dear God....she really tried to kill her? This wasn't some accident?"
                  "No, ma'am, Alexia planned this. The police found evidence in her trailer."
                  "Have they caught her? She can't just be out and about now, right?"
                  "She hasn't been caught, Sarah," Scott tells her. "They don't know where she is. She was missing from the set and no one thought anything of it until the security guys got the phone call from Kate."
                  "So the security men weren't with them? I thought Krista told me that they were following them everywhere?"
                  I glare and grit my jaw. "They were supposed to. They took their lunch break and weren't aware that the girls had

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