
Discipline by Marina Anderson

Book: Discipline by Marina Anderson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marina Anderson
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as Livia dressed in silence. ‘You and she are complete opposites, and that’s what I find exciting. I don’t want you to try and copy her. I want you to help me make her like you.’
    Livia stared at his reflection in the mirror. ‘And then what? Once you’ve totally corrupted her, what will you do with her? Abandon her?’
    ‘I hadn’t thought about it,’ he said with total honesty. ‘Once she’s completed the discipline, then I imagine that we’ll part company. You and I may see her from time to time, at some of our parties perhaps, but that’s all.’
    ‘I suppose I should feel sorry for her, but I don’t.’
    ‘That’s because you’re uncomfortable around her. For some reason, innocence makes you feel guilty.’

    Livia put on her dress and looked away from the mirror. There were times when she hated Carlos, because he knew her too well. ‘I think you’re making a mistake ignoring Chloe like this. She might decide to find somewhere else to live if she thinks you’ve lost interest.’
    ‘I enjoy keeping her on edge. Besides, I shall speak to her this evening. I have to; tomorrow night we have guests for dinner, and I intend Chloe to be there.’
    Livia wasn’t pleased. ‘She can’t come, it will make the numbers uneven.’
    ‘I’ve invited Mike along to balance that out. We know she liked him; it should make the evening all the more interesting.’
    ‘She might spoil things. Suppose she objects to what goes on, tries to leave the party before it ends or … ?’
    ‘If you no longer trust my judgement, then perhaps you should think carefully about whether or not you wish to stay here with me, Livia. Maybe you’d be happier back in Rio?’ he said coldly.
    Realising that she’d gone too far, Livia subdued her natural reaction, which was to shout at him in fury, and instead tried to placate him. She certainly didn’t want to be sent back to Rio de Janeiro, leaving him alone with Chloe. ‘I’m sorry,’ she apologised. ‘It’s only that I enjoy our dinner parties so much, and I’m afraid she might spoil this one.’
    Getting up off the bed, Carlos walked over to Livia and caught hold of her long blond hair, pulling her head back sharply. ‘Trust me, Chloe will make this one of the best dinner parties we’ve ever had,’ he said softly. Livia kept very still. He licked delicately at the soft skin at the base of her throat before releasing her.
    ‘I do trust you,’ she assured him.
    ‘I hope that’s true, Livia. Trust is something that’s very important to me.’

    After he’d gone to shower, Livia touched the place on her neck where his tongue had caressed her skin, and shivered. She knew that she must be more careful in the future. If Carlos thought that she was becoming too jealous of Chloe, he would dismiss her from his life, and that was something she wasn’t prepared to accept. Somehow she had to ensure that it was Chloe who vanished, and she was ready to go to any lengths to make sure that happened.
    ‘We haven’t seen much of you these past few days, Chloe,’ remarked Carlos as the three of them sat down to eat that evening. ‘I apologise for that.’
    ‘I don’t expect you to be here for me!’ laughed Chloe. ‘I’ve been busy at work, and you’ve been out a lot in the evenings.’
    ‘Livia and I enjoyed the evening at Richmond,’ he continued smoothly, and she felt herself beginning to blush. ‘I wonder if that man is still searching for the girl who seduced him so efficiently.’
    ‘Do you wish you could see him again, Chloe?’ asked Livia, draining her wine glass and immediately refilling it.
    ‘No! I’d die of shame.’
    Carlos raised an eyebrow. ‘Why? You didn’t do anything wrong. From what I could see of it, you both gained a great deal of pleasure from the experience.’
    ‘It’s not the way I’d normally have behaved.’
    He gave a thin smile. ‘I know, I made you do it.’
    ‘Well you did,’ retorted Chloe hotly. ‘It was my punishment,

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