Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1)

Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1) by Glenna Mayanrd Page A

Book: Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1) by Glenna Mayanrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Mayanrd
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when he’s through with you.”
    I dig my nails into Jake’s arm going for blood.
    I start thrashing. I have to get away from here.
    “Babe, wake up, you are having a nightmare.” Royce is gently shaking me. Tears are rolling down my face. A hiccup of sobs escapes my throat.
    “Shh…shh it’s okay. I’m here. You were having a nightmare.” Royce is cupping my face and wiping my tears away with his thumbs. He presses his lips to mine reassuringly.
    “It was so real. I thought I was never going to see you again. Jake was here, he… he shot you in the head while we were sleeping, and he was working for Charlie. It was so terrible.” I bury my face in chest.
    “There’s one problem with that scenario, Charlie isn’t that smart.”  Royce laughs lightly, but looks at me with concern. “I’ll never let anyone hurt you.”  He kisses my forehead trying to calm me, but the dream felt so real.
    “I don’t want to leave you, but I have to go to a meeting. If I’m a no show it will look bad. It’s for the fight.”
    “I understand, just come back to me okay.”
    “Wild horses couldn’t drag me away.” I smile at his words reminding me of our first date. He took me out in the middle of the desert and we danced under the moon to that song. It was so romantic. Royce was always planning sweet dates like that. I can’t wait for this to all be over so we can move forward.
    “Good, you’re smiling. I’d hate to leave with you still crying. You have the house to yourself.  Don’t answer the door for anyone, not even your brother. I should be back in a couple of hours. If anything should happen—if anyone were to come into the house, there is a 9 millimeter in my nightstand. Do not hesitate to use it. Do you still remember how to shoot it?”
    “Yes, you taught me well.” Royce used to take me to the shooting range with him all of the time. I always thought it was just for fun, but I guess now I know it was for protection. I’m still shaken by my dream, but I feel okay enough for Royce to leave me on my own.
    After Royce has left I take the gun from his nightstand, checking to make sure the safety is on I secure it in the waistband of my yoga pants using the elastic of my panties to hold it in place. I’ve never been scared of being here alone before, but the dream has me on high alert. I find myself jumping every time the house makes a sound. I about nearly crawl out of my skin when the power for the central air kicks on with a loud thump and creak. 
    There isn’t much to keep my mind busy, the house is fairly clean. Royce has a housekeeper who comes by regularly. Wherever Tiffany is, I hope that she is being treated decently. The thought of her being tortured in my place makes my head swim.
    I wish I could call Kline, but I know he needs to be focused on doing his part. He doesn’t need me calling, freaking him out with my pissing and moaning over things we can’t control. I worry about him though. He never fights this closely together. His body needs to heal from the beating it took a few days ago. And what is he thinking, a rematch against The Punisher. The man nearly took him out. I don’t understand him taking all the money and putting it at risk. Surely if we tapped out all of our resources we could pay Charlie’s debt.
    I would sell everything I have to, if it meant we could all walk away, even Charlie’s no good rotten ass. I need to try and get my mind off things for a bit. All I am doing is talking myself into circles and getting absolutely nowhere. I’m in a sinking canoe up shit creek without a paddle. I can’t bring myself to think about Parker or what part he might be playing all of this.
    Aimlessly I flip through the television channels unable to concentrate on any program. All the faces on the screen blur together and sound as if they might as well be speaking Russian. I throw myself back against the pillows on Royce’s bed and inhale his scent. I miss him already.  I glance at the

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