Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1)

Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1) by Glenna Mayanrd Page B

Book: Dirty Love (Fighting Dirty Series Book 1) by Glenna Mayanrd Read Free Book Online
Authors: Glenna Mayanrd
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clock. Great I have only been on my own for a few hours. Pathetic, that’s what I am. How will I ever make it on my own if I have to leave here without those I love?
    My belly grumbles reminding me that I need to feed myself, even if the thought of food makes me nauseated. I feel a little braver this time and leave the gun on Royce’s dresser. I walk back downstairs to see if I can rummage up anything to cook a meal out of.  If I can find something to focus my energy on time will go faster.
    My hunt starts in the freezer. It has all the typical things one would expect to find in a home inhabited by all males…meat, frozen pizza, and more meat. There are plenty of steaks, if I can find something in the pantry along the lines of potatoes and bread I can whip up something decent. The pantry is just about as barren in choices as the freezer, but I do find some potatoes and a can of corn. It will have to do.
    I busy myself defrosting the meat and peeling the potatoes. One of the guys has left an Ipod on the kitchen counter and I am able to get lost in the music for a while. Whoever this belongs to has excellent taste. The tracks range from the Stone Temple Pilots to the rapper Too Short. I personally have an eclectic taste in music so this play list suits me perfectly.
    I’m lost in my task at hand getting out the butter and milk to whip my potatoes with when I am grabbed around the waist making me drop my ingredients on the floor, and letting out a terrified shriek.
    “You really should be better prepared for an intruder.” Royce bites me a little too hard on the shell of my ear, but a part of me is turned on by his roughness.
    “You are lucky I didn’t have your gun on me. I could have killed you just now for sneaking up on me like that had I not left it upstairs.”
    “Not a chance sweet pea, but if it makes you feel better I’ll play along. What smells so good? It’s not often I come home to a fine ass woman cooking me a meal. I take that back I have never come home to this before.” He bends down and starts picking up the items I lost moments ago. “Need some help?”
    “No I have it under control as long as you don’t sneak up on me again.”
    “Alright.” He places his hands in front of him in surrender. “I’m going to grab a shower then, try not to kill anyone while I’m upstairs. Brad and Jake should be coming home at any moment.”
    “I didn’t prepare enough for them.”
    “Don’t worry, them fuckers can fend for themselves.”
    “Who are you calling a fucker?” Brad walks into the kitchen nearly giving me a heart attack.
    “Jesus! What is it with you guys not making your presence known?” They both laugh at me. I flip them the bird and finish mashing the potatoes.
    My girl looks so good standing my kitchen. I hope that this is all over soon. I met with my lawyer today and told him everything about Parker and Brandi. Tomorrow I am meeting with the detectives that handled Elizabeth’s case. There isn’t anything they can do right now until they have proof.  They have always known that Parker was responsible for Elizabeth’s accident, but there was never enough evidence to bring up charges against him. He has done a great job at keeping his record clean.
    Publicly it looks like he has cut ties with his mob family, but I know better. Parker lives for the life, and when you’re in the mob you can’t just walk away. The only reason I’m still alive is because Parker knows it would look bad on him if he killed me after the shit with my car from before. I made sure he knew that I talked to the police, but I have been looking over my shoulder ever since the day Elizabeth died.  But if I know Parker he won’t stop until he has Brandi. I won’t make the same mistake twice. This time I’ll be ready for him. This time I will get the girl, and Parker will get what he deserves. I love Brandi and she will be my wife when she is ready. This shit with Charlie reeks of Parker. The

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