Diary of Latoya Hunter

Diary of Latoya Hunter by Latoya Hunter

Book: Diary of Latoya Hunter by Latoya Hunter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Latoya Hunter
still looking. Everyone is looking for a way out of Bainbridge Ave!

June 21, 1991
    Dear Janice
    T oday Rondah found her apartment. Again I’m going to see it on Friday. The way she sounds, it’s not too hot. Well, if I know Rondah, I know she’ll have it looking like a palace in no time at all.
    When I told my friends I was leaving everybody except Deborah was really nice about it. They asked me when and how far and everything. Deborah on the other hand was like “Good, I’m not going to miss you!” I would give anything if someone would tell me what her problem is. From the day I met her 5 years ago, she’s never had anything nice to say. I think it’s just her personality, but I hate it! Deep down, I know she doesn’t mean the things she says, but why say them?

June 22, 1991
    Dear Janice
    R ondah’s apartment doesn’t look too pretty. It was really shabby! I pleaded with her not to take it but she claims it has possibilities. As I said before, she could make any place look like a palace. My parents heard about another place in Mt. Vernon. That’s not far from the Bronx. It’s where Dereklives. I hope I don’t run into him if I move there. We’ll know next week. They’re going to look at it on Monday. That would mean if I move there, a change of schools. Yes!

June 23, 1991
    Dear Janice
    I was thinking how after this year of being the little freshman how next year I’ll be a senior just like that. Freshmen are going to look up to me! It’s such a big change. Tomorrow Deborah is going to graduate. She got into John F. Kennedy High. Next year that will be me graduating. She has her cap and gown all ready. I’m happy for her even though she gets to me sometimes (most times). I won’t be seeing her too often next year but I think that will work out for the best. The less I see someone, the more I appreciate them.

June 24, 1991
    Dear Janice
    T hey took the apartment. Mt. Vernon here I come! Wednesday is the last day of school. We’re also moving on that day—as soon as I get home. The apartment is definite this time. Everyone likes this new place, they’ve all seen it. They say it’s very roomy. I am so eager to see it. Two more days til the last day of school. I’m so glad! I’ll have to say goodbye to everyone and tell them they just might not see me again. I never made any really close friends this year. Everyone was just casual acquaintances. I guess I’ll remember this year as the year of casual acquaintances. As far as things at home, I’ll remember it as the year of mom troubles.
    As for the move, I don’t know what to say. Where I’m living now isn’t the best place in New York, but it isn’t the worst either. I mean, I look across the street where the guy from the store was shot and I walk around the corner and I look at the banner hung in remembrance of George Gonzalez (he was kidnapped then killed)—he used to live right there. When I look at those things I’m with no hesitation ready to go. But then I have to hesitate when I look at the familiar faces walking up and down the blocks and I remember block parties. I remember how everyone pulled together to make them happen every year.
    I understand we’ll be living in a bigger, nicer house in a quiet neighborhood. We, is me, and my parents. NoRondah, no Devoy—that’s the biggest blow of it all. I’ll see them as often as everyday though because I have to babysit Devoy and but it won’t be the same though. I’ll be alone in the house, I mean completely alone, with my parents! Oh, man, I can’t imagine that. I’m going to miss them both and I know it’ll hurt sometimes, but growing up is like a roller coaster, you can only run smooth for a short time and by the time you feel adjusted, there’s this big fall. You knew it was coming but when it hits you it’s like it wasn’t expected.

June 25, 1991
    Dear Janice
    Y ou’re coming to an end! Tomorrow will be the last day I will write on your pages! My first year of

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