Devoted - The Complete Series: A BWWM Romance Boxset

Devoted - The Complete Series: A BWWM Romance Boxset by Sadie Black Page A

Book: Devoted - The Complete Series: A BWWM Romance Boxset by Sadie Black Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sadie Black
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still grinning. I don’t think she could stop smiling if she tried right now. “The blood work just came back yesterday. We’re not telling anyone else until we hit the three month mark though, ok? I just knew there was no way I could keep it from you though.”
    “My lips are sealed.” I twist the air beside my mouth like I’m locking them together. “Six weeks, what did you do? Get knocked up on the flight over there? You only left six weeks ago.”
    “Maybe.” Her smile turns sly, and my sealed lips drop open in disbelief.
    “You? You’re in the mile high club?” I squeak. “Now I’ve heard it all.”
    “What can I say? It was a long plane ride.” She shrugs. I throw the bag on the counter and join her on the couch. “You know, the crazy thing is, I had no idea at all. Honestly, I’ve never felt better. My energy has been fine; I haven’t been sick. Knock on wood.” She raps her knuckles against my end table lightly. “I didn’t even realize that I was late until two days ago.”
    “Well, you’ve had other things on your mind, I’m sure.” I smile, but my eyes lose focus over her shoulder. Ever since I had an unplanned pregnancy when I was a teen, I’ve used an IUD. However, my mystery flu this morning has me concerned.
    I excuse myself and splash some cold water on my face in the bathroom. The tiny hairs on the back of my neck are on end as I try to think about when I had my last period.
    The phone rings, and I hear Kendra answer. Cocking my head toward the bathroom door, I listen in for a second. “Of course she’s really sick, what kind of question is that? I’m here looking after her.” She tells the person on the other end. Numbers are melding and blurring in my mind as I try to think of dates. When was my last period? Am I late?
    When I step out of the bathroom, Kendra has her hands on her hips, and her head tilted. “So, you and Bradley Sheppard are a thing now? I go away for six weeks and everything changes around here? You’ve got to tell me how he managed to get you to settle… hey, what’s wrong?” She stops teasing me and furrows her eyebrows together as her eyes flicker over my face. “Do you need to lie down? I can get you some Gatorade…”
    I shake my head wordlessly from side to side, trying to form a single sentence. “No.” I finally whisper. “Can you do me a favor, please.”
    “Name it.” Worry spreads over her face as the remnants of her smile disappears from her lips.
    “Can you to run over to the CVS across the street? I think I need a pregnancy test.”

    I’m crumpled on the floor in the center of a pile of instructions and plastic sticks soaked in my urine. Some of the pregnancy tests have faint pink lines; others have blue crosses and the priciest ones have digital screens, but all they all share one common trait: they’re all positive.
    My eyes brim with tears as I try to imagine a world where this isn’t going to destroy my dreams. However, with Bradley running off without explanation every second week and a stack of unfinished paperwork for college sitting on my desk, it’s difficult to envision a happy ending.
    Kendra kneels on the floor beside me, rubbing my shoulder sympathetically. “Hey, we’re gonna figure this out, ok? I’m here for you, no matter what you decide.”
    “It looks like my decision has been made for me.” I sweep my hand over the sea of castaway pregnancy tests drowning my future.
    “Ok, but this isn’t that bad. Right? I mean, Bradley is a stand-up man, and you two seem pretty serious. So it’s early, and it’s unexpected, but give him a little credit. I bet he’ll be really supportive.”
    “Yeah, just like Joseph.” I groan, remembering my high school sweetheart bumping into furniture as he stumbled out of my parents’ basement to literally run away from his responsibilities.
    “Joseph?” Kendra’s face transforms into a question

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