
Afterlife by Joey W. Hill

Book: Afterlife by Joey W. Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joey W. Hill
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feet out shoulder
    width, and lift your ass
    toward me.”
    The quivering was back in ful force,
    but she managed to
    obey. She was partial y under the
    spray, but she stil felt the
    pressure of his fingers, sliding over
    her shoulder blades,
    gathering up her hair and twisting it
    so it fel over her right
    shoulder. Then he smoothed his palm
    down the curve of her
    back. As he did, he picked up the
    long-handled scrubbing
    brush she kept in the shower for
    cleaning it once a week.
    “Eyes forward, Rachel.”
    She obeyed, imagining al sorts of
    things, not so sure
    now, but then—
    She yelped as the flat of that brush hit
    her with precision
    at the most generous portion of her
    right buttock. It stung,
    but it didn’t overwhelm her with
    pain. Instead, something
    rocketed through her, head to toes,
    making the latter dig
    into the wet tile.
    “That’s a reminder,” he said, his
    voice enhanced by the
    water’s rush. “Do you understand?”
    She nodded. “Y-yes.” Why couldn’t
    she say anything to
    him without stammering?
    “Be stil now. Feel.”
    From the change in water flow, she
    knew he’d directed
    the spigot away from them. In the
    blurry reflection on the
    glossy tile, she knew he was
    lathering his hands, setting the
    soap aside. Then he put his hands on
    her waist, lingering
    there. The gesture made her feel
    feminine, an hourglass
    cinched in the middle by those long,
    elegant fingers and
    large palms. As he moved
    downward, the soap made his
    passage slippery, heated. He braced
    one of those palms
    on her left buttock as the other slid
    between her spread
    She jumped, she couldn’t help it.
    Cursing herself, she
    went rigid, trying to hold the posture,
    fighting the panic that
    leaped into her throat at such an
    unwelcome reaction. “I-I’m
    “Rachel.” He continued his
    movements, his knuckles
    brushing the delicate crease between
    labia and thigh, and
    then his palm sealed itself over her
    pussy, his fingers
    settling with possessive skil on either
    side of her clit,
    applying the lightest of pressure.
    A convulsion—no other word for it
    —vibrated from the
    soles of her feet, al the way to her
    stiffly held neck. “Oh…”
    The word was a strangled syl able,
    echoing in the enclosed
    space. “Oh God…”
    It wasn’t a climax of course, but
    something as intense. A
    need that held her prisoner in its grip.
    “Rachel.” He repeated himself,
    patient, but there was a
    thickness to his voice that told her he
    wasn’t unaffected by
    her reaction.
    “Y-yes.” Thank heavens he’d known
    her for a while, or he
    real y would think she had a stutter.
    “Don’t apologize for anything again,
    unless I demand an
    apology from you. The fact a man has
    not touched and
    pleasured you in such a long time that
    it’s strange to you,”
    his palm moved, an easy movement
    that sent his soapy
    fingers gliding over the petals of her
    sex, and then an
    intimate dip inside, rubbing,
    cleaning, “is nothing to
    apologize for. That’s for damn sure.”
    The last four words were spoken
    with visceral male
    satisfaction. It helped, because she
    couldn’t stop making
    those gasps and whimpers as he
    stroked and probed,
    cleaning her. It felt…maybe, like she
    was slippery, but that
    could be the soap. When he removed
    his touch from that
    area, he kept his palm curved over
    her mound as an anchor
    point as he used the other hand to
    clean between her
    buttocks. It kept fountains of glittering
    sensation shooting up
    into her body.
    She’d thought a lot about anal play,
    had explored herself
    there and been startled by how
    erogenous a zone the rim
    area was, but to have it actual y
    massaged by a male hand,
    her bottom stil smarting from the
    strike with the brush, was
    stunningly different. With his other
    hand stil stimulating her
    pussy, it was automatic to moan and
    lift her ass even higher
    to his touch, taking herself to her
    toes, hands clutching the

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