Destroying the Wrong

Destroying the Wrong by Evelyne Stone

Book: Destroying the Wrong by Evelyne Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyne Stone
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talked to me were out to take my virginity.
    “I don't know who you are, but that was the worst pickup line I've ever heard. Just scoot away and leave us alone.” I looked back at Alissa who looked somewhat confused as her eyes traveled back and forth between the mystery guy and me.
    “I'm sorry about my friend over here. She's really bad at introductions. I'm Alissa and this is Katherine.” My mouth dropped open as I stared at my traitor friend.
    I didn't move my eyes away from her as I heard him say, “I'm Jamison. I just moved here from Montana. I really didn't mean to interrupt.”
    “Not at all,” Alissa said looking back at me.
    “I'm sorry. I'm not much a people person.” I peeked over at him and he chuckled.
    “I noticed. Well, Katherine, I will see you again tomorrow. Alissa, it was nice to meet you, too.” He got his stuff and went over to the trash to throw the rest of his lunch away. My eyes stayed on him until he walked through the exit doors.
    Alissa reached over and smacked my arm. “Why were you so rude? He was smiling at you, dummy!”
    “If you recall, the last time a guy smiled at me, he was trying to take my ladyhood. Excuse me for being slightly paranoid,” I whispered.
    “Ladyhood?” Alissa laughed until tears fell down her cheeks. I didn't even crack a smile because she was laughing at my expense and I felt bad for talking to Jamison like I had. Not a good first impression for the new guy.
    I ended up sharing my last period with Jamison as well. I sat in the back row next to him, intending to apologize again. The teacher hadn't entered the room and everyone was talking amongst themselves. I looked over at him and he was looking at me, too.
    “I'm sorry about lunch. Maybe someday I'll explain why I said what I said. Not that you would be interested, but I'm not usually like that and I just wanted you to know.” I talked really fast and I had no doubt I was blushing.
    He shrugged. “It’s no big deal. I've been to so many schools and, trust me, you're not the first gal to assume I'm hitting on them right off the bat.” His smile was so friendly and I loved his red hair. He wasn’t gorgeous, but there was something about him that made my heart flutter. The teacher walked in and brought our attention back to the front of the room. I spent the rest of class trying to look at him from the corner of my eye. He was a little skinnier than I normally liked but what excited me the most was that he had no clue what had happened last year.
    ~ *~
    The rain was coming down a little harder than I liked considering I’d decided to walk home, but luckily it wasn't too far. I noticed my mom's car parked in our spot and instantly got a bad feeling. I ran inside the house and immediately screamed, “Mom? Where are you?”
    “In the bathroom.” She made horrible noises and I knew better than to walk in when I heard those kinds of sounds.
    “Do you need anything?”
    “No, stay away! I think I caught the flu.”
    “All right, let me know if you need me.” She started gagging. Ugh, I better not catch it.
    My phone started ringing almost as soon as I laid down on the bed. It had to be Alissa because the only other person most likely to call me was camped out in the bathroom for the rest of the night.
    “I’m coming over,” Alissa belted out.
    “You probably shouldn't. Mom is sick.”
    “Okay, then can I come pick you up so we can go talk at the coffee place?” She sounded frantic.
    “Sure, I just need to change. How far away are you?”
    “I'm parked outside your apartment.” She hung up.
    I quickly changed my shirt and walked silently toward the bathroom. I couldn't hear anything so I knocked.
    “I think I'm dying.” My mom sounded horrible.
    “I'm going to get coffee with Alissa. Do you need me to pick up anything while I'm out?”
    “No. Don't be late. I'll probably be in bed by the time you get back. Love you.”
    “Love you too, Mom.” I ran out to Alissa's car,

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