Destroying the Wrong

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Book: Destroying the Wrong by Evelyne Stone Read Free Book Online
Authors: Evelyne Stone
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dodging rain-drops.
    I barely had a chance to get buckled in before Alissa started ranting.
    “You know, I’ve never understood why sex is so important. There are plenty of other things to do besides have sex. Why isn't being in my presence enough? If someone doesn’t want to have sex, why is that an excuse to break up with me? Sure, I need some practice using other methods to make sure I take care of him, but it's not like he can't do it himself. It’s just pathetic to cheat on someone just because you need a piece of ass. It's not like I don't have other options. I look older than I am and I'm hot, damn it!” Her car into an open parking space and if there hadn't been a curb, she would have hit the car parked on the other side.
    “Wait, what? Matt cheated on you?” I was still trying to make sense of what she’d said.
    “No! At least, I don't think so.” She turned off the car and twisted to face me. “Scott said something the other day. I don’t remember exactly what, and now I’m freaking out because we haven’t slept together and he’s not a virgin, so I’m sure he’s frustrated. When boys get frustrated, they cheat!” She tried to calm down by taking long, deep breaths but it didn’t seem to be helping.
    “All right, I'm going to stop you right there. Do not be one of those girls who thinks her boyfriend is cheating all the time without knowing for sure. I know you're freaking out about the sex thing, but it's not going to be good the first time. In fact, it will probably hurt. There aren’t any fireworks and no matter how hard you try to make it unforgettable, you're going to want to forget it because it'll suck. At least that’s what my mom keeps telling me.” I took a breath and reached out to hold her hands in mine. “If you want to have sex, then have sex. And if it’s so unspectacular that it makes you consider becoming a nun, then find another guy who can give you what you need. I don't think Matt would cheat on you, for what that’s worth.” I looked over at her shocked face and then she busted out laughing.
    “Oh, you are so right, Kat. That's why I love you.” She reached for the door handle and I grabbed her arm to stop her.
    “Wait, did I hear you right when you said you had other guys to move on to?”
    She looked at me for a few seconds, obviously debating how to answer that question. “No. I mean, I'm sure I could find someone else if I really wanted to, but I don't want to.”
    I'm not sure I believed her but if there was one thing I knew about Alissa, it was that she would only share information when she was damn good and ready. “All right. Let's go get us some caffeine, woman.”
    The shop was dead, probably because of the rain. I stood looking at the menu above the cashier’s counter when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned and was face-to-face with Jamison.
    “Fancy meeting you here. Howdy to you, too, Alissa.” Standing next to Jamison, my heart raced. He wasn't not attractive in an oh-my-gosh-you're-so-gorgeous kind of way but he had a definite charm and he wore cowboy boots. We didn’t see that around here too often.
    I stared at them a little too long because he looked down and asked, “Is there something on my boot?” He sounded worried as he looked at the tops and bottoms.
    I chuckled and smiled at him. He really was too cute. “No, I was just wondering why you're wearing cowboy boots when there isn't a farm anywhere close by?” Alissa giggled at that comment.
    “It's my style. Are they not cool?” He pouted and I wanted to nibble that lower lip of his.
    “I have a table over there if you two want to sit with me. Maybe you can give me some good info for surviving Rochester?”
    He looked so pitiful that Alissa and I couldn’t help but answer, “Yeah, sure,” at the same time.
    I ordered my vanilla latte and Alissa got the most confusing-sounding drink, as usual. “Can I please have a venti, iced, nonfat, caramel macchiato, upside down, no

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