Destroyed by the Bad Boy
the better. The stories were outrageous, but having met Bentley I knew that there had to be some truth in there.  He’s a confident and cocksure guy, so I can only imagine that confidence extends to the bedroom. Though perhaps the story I am most interested to know the truth behind is the legend of his supposed nine-inch long cock. I lick my lips unconsciously and curse when I realize it. But seriously, nine inches? That’s massive. There’s no way I could handle something like that. I’ve only been with one other guy and he was the size of a Twinkie.
    All of the stories preceded him, so that the day we met was a rather underwhelming experience.  My mom had been talking about a love interest she had and thought things were getting serious that she wanted me to meet him and his son.  I was happy to see my mom so happy and agreed to the meet up.  When we arrived I saw him in the distance and figured he was there to pick up some girl so I ignored him.  That is until he started walking towards us with an older man.  And I put two and two together.  Watching him strut toward us, I turned as red as a beet. How could I speak to a guy I had such intimate details about?  The answer?  I acted like a total fool.
    We greeted each other as civil human beings, but then I stumbled over simple sentences and apologized like a moron.  All the while Bentley just smirked his typical smile and filed away those few moments of imperfection to bring out at a later date, teasing me whenever he got the chance.  By the time the meeting was finally over I just wanted to go home and forget the whole thing ever happened.  Needless to say that didn’t work out and now our parents are getting married.
    Sighing, I bring myself back to the horrid reality of being stuck in the Jeep with Bentley and what it was doing not only for my mental health but also for my hormones.  I silently made a plan in my head that I would need to get laid once I got home.
    Becoming aware of my surroundings, I see that the snow that had started a few hours earlier was coming down hard.  The roads are getting pretty bad and so I pull out my ear buds. 
    “How are the roads?” I ask.
    “Snowy.” His voice is flat and I can tell that he is probably mad about my comments earlier.
    No shit, idiot.
    “Are you still mad about what I said?”  I tentatively ask.
    “What did you say?” The edge in his voice was much clearer this time.
    “That you’re a disgusting man-whore.”  I don’t regret what I said because it is true, but I suppose I could have gone about it in a more civilized manner.
    “It’s my cock, and I’ll use it how I please. I’m not mad; it’s just not any of your business, Sierra.”  Bentley states it so matter of factly.
    He had a point. “I just want everything to go well for my mom’s big day. I don’t want anything ruining it. Ever since we lost my dad six years ago, she’s never been this happy.”  The memory of my dad is a sore topic and even talking about him makes me tear up a little. He died suddenly of a massive heart attack, and I still hate that I never got to say goodbye. It haunts me that I don’t even remember what my last conversation with him was.
    “I know that, okay? I’m not going to ruin anything, and even sleeping with a couple of bridesmaid wouldn’t ruin it anyhow.”  The curve of his lip at the end indicate that his cockiness and humor is back, for better or for worse.  I sigh in defeat.  I’m not sure what I was hoping to get out of this conversation but the air is lighter at least.  Just as things are falling back into place my eye catches something but by the time I shift my head to see out of the windshield all I see is white, and then black. 
    “Watch out!” I scream, as we slide off the road into a ditch right at the edge of a mountain.

Chapter Two
    That was a close call. Too close. And if I hadn’t been sitting here listening to Sierra drone on and on with her insistent

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