Destiny (Vanish Book Four)
for the
    When I found it, I looked underneath the
picture. On every other page, there were words, explanations. Still
nothing. I closed my eyes and wished that it would tell me. When I
opened them, the orangey-red ink was moving across the page.
    All of the other people had noble destinies,
a reason for their sacrifice. Maybe the rest of them didn’t even
have to sacrifice, which was fine.
    When I saw the reason—when I saw the only
thing that made Skylar and I have this bond—I was furious.
    “Two people came together, one of which was
good and the other evil. Their first-born child will pay for their
mistakes. Their heart will belong to two different people, and the
one they really want, they will never truly have.”
    I dug under my bed and found the box of
potions. The glass vials clanked together as I looked through them,
and finally, I found the bright pink potion. I stared at it,
wondering if this was the key, or just another piece to the puzzle.
I clutched my hand around it and closed my eyes. I pleaded for some
kind of answer, anything to tell me that things would work out.
    Within a matter of seconds, I was transported
to somewhere I had never been. There was a woman, she was putting
ingredients into a pot, and she hummed as she stirred. The vision
flashed forward, and the same woman stood in a beautiful meadow.
She stood there, waiting with a vial of pink liquid. Then, a man
appeared through the trees, on the other side of the meadow.
    He walked toward her, keeping his eyes on her
at all times. The way they looked at each other made it
obvious—they were in love.
    As they moved closer together, my vision
followed, giving me a better look at the meadow—and the man tied
up, hidden beneath the long grass.
    “Are you sure?” The man finally spoke.
    “Anything to be with you,” she sighed.
    She knelt down next to the man and took the
tape off of his mouth. The way he looked at her was almost a
mirrored image of the other man’s affection, and almost the same
look was on her face.
    She bent down further, whispered something in
his ear, and then she brought her lips to his. He wriggled around
trying to get free, a desperate plea almost escaping his lips.
Then, he laid still. She took the cork out of the vial, and a big
puff of pink smoke escaped in the shape of a heart. Then, a line of
smoke made its way to each of them. As she brought the vial to his
lips, he didn’t fight it, he didn’t push her away, he simply opened
his mouth and let her pour the liquid down.
    As fast as the vision came on, it was gone.
Leaving me only with more questions, what happened next? Which of
the men in this situation was Dante and which Skylar? Were they in
the same predicament; was this how they escaped their fate?
    The questions kept coming all throughout the
night, and when the sun started to rise I felt more nervous than
ever. I still had no clue about what was to take place, but I had a
horrible feeling in the pit of my stomach, that today would be the

Chapter 11: Behind
the Alliance
    I sat next to the window, not moving. I
stared out at the lake, watching all the waves, and the sun
sparkling like diamonds across the surface. The sun rose higher
into the sky; I’d lost track of time. Staring out at the beauty in
front of me, I’d been dreaming of a life without all of this
confusion, without all of these boundaries, without the fear.
    The doorbell rang, and I realized I hadn’t
gotten ready. I threw on some clothes, trying my best to look nice.
I paired a red shirt that was tight down to my waist and pleated
from there down, with some black pants. I brushed my hair and ran
down the stairs.
    I wondered where Violet and Rose were, the
house was quiet, and come to think of it, I didn’t see them last
night either. I shook my head; they probably went to sleep
    I opened the door, the first thing I
noticed—he was wearing a suit. Not too long after I noticed that, I
realized something else.

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