Desiring A Demon (Archangels)
into his arms.
    “We’ll figure this out together, Asta. I promise.”
    “How? Do you have any ideas?”
    He didn’t but didn’t want to confess his ignorance just yet. “I will.”
    They rested together, him rocking her slightly in comfort. Asta wasn’t sure she deserved or should accept. But pulling away from him took more strength than she could muster. She was so tired of fighting his pull and the attraction between them. His solace was irresistible because he expected nothing in return and that was something she hadn’t experienced since she was an innocent little girl whose mother still loved her.
    She pushed away painful thoughts of the past and snuggled into Rafe’s warmth. Then she drifted to sleep.
    Asta looked into the cracked bathroom mirror as a scream caught in her throat. Her thirteen-year-old face stared back in horror at the image. Red streaks marred her light brown hair like blood dripping from her skull. Crimson veins ran over her forehead, pulsing with every heartbeat. A glance down proved the small black claws that had cut into her palms while she slept were still there…where they hadn’t been the night before. She was a monster. Gripping the edge of the sink, she fought the urge to throw up and concentrated on breathing.
    A knock on the door startled her and she nearly screamed. Then her mom’s voice called out, “Breakfast is ready,” before her footsteps receded. How could she go out there like this? Tears blurred Asta’s vision and she started to pray, but where the words had caused comfort just hours ago they now burned her throat. Indescribable pain shot through her head and she fell to her knees. She sobbed and clutched her hair.
    “God.” She choked on the word as the pain increased. There had to be a way to stop this.
    Breathing through her nose slowly, she closed her eyes and concentrated on something good, something happy. She thought of her favorite stuffed animal, a black kitten her mom had bought for her. The image of the kitten filled her mind and slowly the pain eased. She curled her fingers in and realized she felt only her usual bitten-off nail stubs. After another full minute, she pulled herself up to face the mirror again.
    The skin of her forehead was smooth and pale, with no more than the small scar at her hairline she’d gotten at age five. Her hair was almost back to normal, with the exception of a single streak of pink at one temple. It would have to do. After a couple of deep, calming breaths, she went to face her mom.
    Rafe woke with a start and stared at the woman sleeping in his arms. He’d shared her dream. Something he hadn’t done with someone in almost a century, and then it had been deliberate . What did it mean that he’d slipped effortlessly and unintentionally into Asta’s mind?
    She slept on as he thought of the scared teenager she’d been, completely unprepared for the demon half that manifested once she’d reached puberty. He wished he’d known her then and been around to comfort her. But would he have offered comfort? Or would he have captured her and taken her to the nearest priest for exorcism? He had no answer to that one. Eleven years ago was but the blink of an eye to him and his brothers but they’d changed in subtle ways. Eleven years ago he’d never have imagined sharing a bed with a demon. Now he couldn’t imagine sleeping without her.

Chapter Seven
    When Asta woke again it was storming. The rain pattered against the windows and thunder rumbled in the distance. Rafe slept beside her, his even breaths a calming presence in the storm. The weather mirrored her inner turmoil. She tried to roll away from him but his arms tightened. She froze and considered her options. When she faced him again, his blue eyes gazed back with a hint of amusement.
    “Where are you going?” he asked.
    “Nowhere, I guess. We gonna stay in bed all day?”
    He shrugged , and she couldn’t help but run her palm over his broad shoulder.

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