tormented her clitoris. Her whole body was taken over, sweat blossomed
on her skin. She clenched her inner muscles around Dan’s fingers, trying to
wring maximum feeling from them. She was sure he had managed to slide a third
finger in her slick tunnel. She was past caring, lost in pleasure, thrusting
frantically against him. As his fingers kept up their steady rhythm, his lips
surrounded her clit, sucking lightly as his tongue flicked over the bud. Stacie
screamed out as her clitoris burst with sensation, her hips rising off the bed as
her orgasm swept over her. She clung to the bedhead, letting her body buck. It
seemed to go on forever, then finally began to ebb.
    Stacie relaxed onto the bed, quivering with the
after-effects. She felt Dan sit back on his heels on the bed, but she couldn’t
muster up the strength to open her eyes. Her heart pounded and her breath came
in shuddery gasps. She could feel wetness trickling down her thighs and pooling
on the duvet. Had that all come from her? She felt the bed creak and dip as Dan
got off and then she heard the bathroom door open.
    She opened her eyes in time to see Dan disappearing
inside the bathroom, closing the door firmly behind him. Stacie stared after
him for a few seconds. When he didn’t come back quickly, she climbed off the
bed, pulled the duvet back and slipped beneath the covers. She put her fingers
down to her inner thighs, feeling the moisture still trickling from her. She
puffed up the pillows and got comfortable while she waited for Dan to come
back. Stacie stretched, cat-like, feeling her body relax into a delightful
    The bathroom door soon opened and Dan came out. She
watched him head over to the large flat-screen television. He picked up the
remote and turned the television on, putting it on mute, before coming over to
the bed to sit on the end.
    He turned to look at her. “How are you feeling?”
    “Wet,” she replied, giving Dan a naughty smile.
    “Is there anything in particular you’d like to do now?”
    “How about just chilling for a bit,” she said, imagining
them snuggled up together in bed, watching mindless television and talking. She
wondered what his next plan with her would be.
    “Sounds good. Would you like some more wine?”
    “That’d be great,” she said, not too bothered about what
happened for the next ten minutes, as long as she got close to him.
    Stacie watched him pour out another two glasses. Her gaze
roved his body, she yearned to touch and caress him. Her response to him surprised
her. She had never experienced the feeling of being hungry for sex. Sometimes
it had been nice, but nothing special, and she’d never been that bothered
really. If it hadn’t been for Dan, that would still have been the case.
    He passed her one of the glasses of wine and the remote
control to the television, and then flashed her a smile before leaving the
room. Stacie shot up in bed, panicked. Where was he going? She thought they
were going to snuggle up in bed together. But, wait, he’d poured himself a glass
of wine. He couldn’t be going far. Stacie made herself relax back against the
pillows. She flicked through the channels, not finding anything interesting so
she switched it off. She climbed out of the bed to make her way over to the
large window. There wasn’t much to see. It was dark outside now, the winter
night looming. Winter was her least favourite time of the year, cold, wet and
miserable, nothing to be cheerful about. Then there was Christmas fast
approaching, a very expensive time of the year. Graham had always seemed to go
out of his way to make Christmas miserable. Roll on spring.
    She wandered to the bathroom to clean herself up while
she waited for Dan. Stacie gazed in the mirror seeing her breasts gleaming with
sweat. Her tummy seemed flatter. Must be all the exercise she was getting.
Stacie hadn’t stopped sweating since she met Dan, but she certainly wasn’t about
to complain. She grabbed the robe of the back

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