
Desires by Holly J. Gill, Nikki Blaise Page A

Book: Desires by Holly J. Gill, Nikki Blaise Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly J. Gill, Nikki Blaise
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of the door and was coming back
into the bedroom as Dan entered through the other door, carrying two bottles of
mineral water.
    “I wasn’t sure if you preferred still or sparkling so I
got both. I don’t want you getting a headache from all that wine,” he said,
brandishing the bottles before placing them on the table.
    Stacie’s heart somersaulted. He was so thoughtful.
    “So, which would you like?” That sweet half-smile was
back as he watched her watching him.
    “Hmm? Oh. Still, please.” Best watch that. Can’t let him
see how much you like him. Keep it together, girl.
    Stacie sat back on the bed watching Dan pour the water. She
wished she could find out more about his personal life, about the man himself.
How much was off-limits? Maybe it was time to find out.
    “How long have you been working here?” she asked him,
not sure if he would answer.
    “Eight months,” he replied. He walked over to the bed
and passed her a glass of water. He sat down on the bed, half-lying facing her,
propped up on his elbow. She was a little disappointed, hoping he would have
got into bed with her. But he was fully-clothed still.
    “You obviously enjoy it?”
    “Yes I do,” he replied.
    One question sprang into her mind. She remembered that
every time they had had a session, he disappeared off by himself. She’d
wondered why, but now the answer seemed clear. How could she have been so stupid?
She hesitated before asking, but decided to bite the bullet.
    “Were you masturbating in the bathroom after you
finished me?”
    Dan turned around to stare at her and for a second she
wished she hadn’t asked. A bit personal,
Stacie , she said to herself.
    “Yes, I was,” Dan replied, not seeming too bothered.
    She looked at him, not sure if she was more shocked by
him doing it, or that he’d admitted it. “Why didn’t you do it with me?” she
asked in a small voice, not at all sure she wanted to hear the answer.
    Dan just smiled. “Because that comes later.”
    Stacie felt her smile bursting to come through. She
wanted to jump around the room with excitement, knowing she was going to get
her toy boy. It couldn’t come soon enough. She wanted the evening to suddenly
speed up and get on with the next lesson immediately.
    Trying to calm down, she asked the first question that
came into her head. “Do you normally get excited after a session?”
    “With you, yes.”
    “What about with other people?”
    He paused. “Confidentiality, remember,” he told her,
moving further up the bed alongside her.
my arse , she thought, remembering how he had
happily told her about masturbating in front of the old woman. But then she
also remembered how she had reacted to that revelation. Perhaps she should just
stop asking him about his experiences with other people.
    “So, what’s my next lesson?” she asked, keen to hear his
    “Well, if of course it’s okay with you—” he said,
turning his head to look deep into her eyes “—I thought I could teach you
    She stared at Dan and he gazed directly back at her. Stacie
felt her knees trembling. “You mean—”
    “Yes, on me.”
    Finally, she would get to see his cock, maybe even see
him naked. She wriggled with delight, the thought already turning her on.
    Dan sipped his water and reached for the remote. His
hand brushed the skin of her arm as he picked it up, raising goosepimples. She
couldn’t believe how much she reacted to even the tiniest of touches. He put
the television back on and flicked the channels until he found a sports
    “Do you mind if we have this on for a bit? My team’s
playing,” he said.
    “It’s fine,” Stacie replied, touched that he’d asked
her. When Graham put football on she would leave the room and head off doing
something completely different, but with Dan, Stacie didn’t care as long as
they were together.
    She sipped at her water and lay back, closing her eyes,
thinking about her life and where she

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