Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3)

Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3) by Ava Alexia

Book: Desire Part Three (The Desire Series Book 3) by Ava Alexia Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Alexia
looked at Ollie and felt a closeness with him that she had not recognized before. Maybe because he and Tony had been constantly competing for her attention that she hadn’t really seen his individualism. Ollie was drop dead gorgeous with his thick brown hair and hazel eyes. But it was his character that was mesmerizing her. He was caring, considerate and attentive; all the things that she had looked for in a man.
    “I hope you are right,” she sighed.
    “Don’t worry about it. Just believe,” he said.
    Jaclyn allowed her head to fall on his shoulder. They sat in companionable silence for quite some time. Then Matt approached Ollie and tapped his shoulder. Ollie looked up at him.
    “It’s time,” Matt said stoically.  
    Ollie nodded and stood. He helped Jaclyn rise. She was going with them but had been advised to stay well out of sight when they grew close to the shack. The four of them started out.


    Sergio looked across the dimly lit room and nodded to Todd. Todd rose from the rickety chair he’d been sitting on and went into the back room. He returned with an ugly long blade knife in his hand. Tess sucked in her breath.
    “Dear Lord! He was going to chop her up like celery for a stew,” Tess thought wildly. “She had to do something to escape him.”
    Todd held the wicked blade in one hand and grasped her arm with the other. He pulled her from the bench where she had been perched all day. They went out the front door. It was a very dark night but at least there was a full moon. It would shed the necessary light for her to make a run for it. But she didn’t know how she would break his iron-clad hold on her. She had to think fast for she knew time was running out for her. If only Matt would find her. She knew he must be looking for her and he would guess that she was at the shack. She could only think that he wanted to wait until night to rescue her. Suddenly Tess heard a vehicle. She looked to her right and saw a dark SUV and the military truck driving toward the shack. It must be their co-conspirators were arriving. The deal was about to go down.
    “Come on,” Todd said brusquely.
    He dragged her forward. Little did Todd know that he was being observed. Matt bristled when he saw Tess being manhandled. He itched to get his fingers around that bastard’s neck. Then an altercation broke out between Tess and her captor. She turned to face him and threw a knee to his groin then took off running.
    “Let’s go!” Matt shouted.
    “Stay here, Jax” Ollie yelled.
    The men took off running toward Tess. Jaclyn said a prayer.


    Tess was running like her life depended on it; which it did. She only had a few yards on Todd as he had recovered and was running after her. But Tess had run track in college. She knew that if she focused she could outrun him. Todd had gained weight since she last seen him which was to her benefit. She looked over her shoulder to see if he how far away he was when she suddenly went headlong into the ground. Pain shot through her ankle and up her leg. She must have tripped over a rut when she looked over her shoulder. She grabbed her ankle and saw Todd standing over her breathing heavily.
    “It’s over for you now, bitch,” Todd snarled.
    He raised his arm high ready to plunge that hateful knife into her chest when suddenly he flew backward and landed flat on his back. Matt straddled him and tore the knife from his hand. He threw it aside and began to pummel Todd’s face. Tony and Jaclyn raced over to Tess.
    “Tess! Are you alright?” Jaclyn asked anxiously.
    “I think I twisted my ankle but otherwise I’m fine,” she said. “Thank God you found me. He was going to kill me.”
    Tess shuddered uncontrollably. Jaclyn held her close.
    “It’s alright now. You’re safe,” Jaclyn soothed her.
    “You won’t ever have to worry about him again; not when Matt is finished with him,” Tony said.
    She looked at Matt punching Todd at will. Matt raised his fist to

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