Descending (The Rising Series)

Descending (The Rising Series) by Holly Kelly

Book: Descending (The Rising Series) by Holly Kelly Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly Kelly
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    “Gretchen,” he growled, bracing his hand against the door. “Until we find the man trying to kill you, you shouldn’t be putting yourself out there.”
    “And what if we never find him? What then?”
    “I think you should give it more time before you assume we’re never going to find him.”
    “I don’t want to give that creep even one more moment of my life. Listen, I’m sorry if you don’t like it, but I have to see Sara. If you want to come with me, I’d like that. But either way, I’m going with or without you.”
    “You would die to see your friend?”
    “I would die rather than give up my freedom,” Gretchen clarified. “Now, let me pass.”
    She could feel his emotions simmering, the heat of them radiating off his skin. She narrowed her eyes and stared him down.
    After a long couple of minutes, his shoulders loosened. “Okay, you can go. But not until you do a few things.”
    He dragged her to a chair and sat her down. “Wait here.”
    The minutes ticked by. Where in the world did he go? Finally, she could hear him stomping down the stairs. He appeared with an armful of stuff. There was a blonde wig, a wide-brimmed hat, dark sunglasses, a bulky sweater, and various scarves.
    “You’ve got to be kidding me .” She chuckled.
    Kyros frowned, obviously not appreciating her laughter.
    “Oh fine. Give me those,” she said, gathering the bundle in her arms and tromping down the hallway to the bathroom.
    A few minutes later, she emerged—a wannabe spy. Or maybe she was a bag lady. It was hard to tell which look she’d achieved.
    “There,” Kyros said, satisfied. “Now no one could possibly recognize you.”
    “Oh yeah, and no one could possibly suspect I’m wearing a disguise either.”
    Kyros’s brows pinched together. “Is that sarcasm?”
    “Oh no. Not at all.”
    He frowned at her, looking her up and down. “Let’s get this over with .”
    They only had to walk from the parking lot, through the hospital, and up the elevator to the third floor. And truly, there were not many people about , but with everyone gawking, it felt like a thousand eyes were on her.
    “Why is everyone looking at you?” Kyros whispered.
    “Because I’m dressed like an idiot,” she whispered back harshly.
    As they approached room 391, they were headed off by a hefty nurse. “Can I help you?”
    “Is Xanthus here?” Kyros asked. “I’d like to talk to him for a moment.”
    The woman’s eyes kept darting to Gretchen. She could understand why. Who would be wearing a getup like hers?
    “Let me see if he’s available.” The nurse slipped through the door, closing it behind her. A moment later, she returned with Xanthus. His face was drawn with concern. Then he saw her. His eyes widened in surprise. Oh yeah, even he could see how ridiculous she looked. The corners of his mouth pinched down, suppressing a smile.
    “Hello , Kyros,” he said. “Who is that with you?”
    “See,” Kyros whispered to Gretchen. “I told you the disguise would work.”
    This man needed to learn how to recognize sarcasm. Especially when it was so obvious that it practically slapped you in the face.
    “This is Gretchen ,” Kyros answered. “I thought it best if she were to disguise herself.”
    “Good thinking. But I’m sorry ; your timing is terrible. Sara has been taken to the lab.”
    “Is it anything serious?” Gretchen ripped off the sunglasses.
    Xanthus sighed. “No. Just routine tests.”
    Gretchen nodded—her stomach like lead in her gut. “Will you tell her I came? And let her know I miss her, and I want to see her again.”
    “Sure. I know she misses you too. I’m sorry this had to happen on your visit. You are welcome to stay as long as you’d like. Just let Kyros know if you need anything. I’m sure he’ll be happy to help you.” Xanthus turned to Kyros. “Won’t you?”
    “Oh yeah,” Kyros grumbled.
    “I do have a favor to ask.” Gretchen kept her eyes on Xanthus.
    “Oh?” Xanthus

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