Department 19: Battle Lines

Department 19: Battle Lines by Will Hill

Book: Department 19: Battle Lines by Will Hill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Will Hill
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    JS: Human?
    AH: Yes. Of course.
    JS: So they bite people?
    AH: They do. They bite people, and if their victim doesn’t die, they turn into a vampire as well.
    JS: So why aren’t there thousands of them? Why don’t I see them on every street corner?
    AH: As far as I understand, it’s because very few of their victims survive. And because Blacklight works very hard to keep them secret.
    JS: What do you want me to do with all this, Albert?
    AH: I don’t understand the question.
    JS: You’re a smart man. You know every editor in the country is going to laugh me out of their office if I write this up and submit it. Nobody is going to believe it. I’m sitting here looking at you and I believe you mean every word you’ve said, but even I can’t accept it as the truth. I just don’t see how it can be. How come nobody has ever broken ranks before? Why has no vampire ever come forward? Why aren’t the papers full of missing persons and bodies found drained of blood? You see what I’m saying?
    AH: You are a journalist, aren’t you?
    JS: Yeah.
    AH: Then do your job. Everything I’ve told you is the truth. So dig, Mr Supernova. Find out what you can. If you can’t find anything to back up what I’m saying, then forget it, with my blessing. But if you can, if you can find any tiny little thing that corroborates what I’ve told you, you will find yourself in possession of the biggest exclusive in the history of humanity. Surely that’s worth a few days of your time, even if all it does is confirm that you were right about me all along. As for why nobody has ever broken ranks? I would imagine that the members of Blacklight would find it very difficult to speak to anyone without being monitored, and even if they did, I’m sure they would swiftly find themselves facing a court-martial. And the vampires? Why would they make themselves known? So that all their potential victims know they exist, so that the government can declare open war on them? And finally, Mr Supernova, I’m sorry to have to tell you that the papers are full of missing persons, and people who have had terrible things done to them. And that’s not even allowing for the hundreds of dead and disappeared who never make the pages of the tabloids.
    JS: I think we’re done here, Albert.
    AH: I think so too.
    JS: Where can I find you? If I need to follow up on any of this.
    AH: You can’t. If I’m still alive in a few months’ time, if neither the vampires nor Blacklight get me, I’ll find you.
    JS: This is ridiculous. You know that, don’t you? It’s nuts.
    AH: Just do your job, Mr Supernova. That’s the only advice I have for you. Treat it like any other story and see what you can turn up. I wish you the very best of luck, I honestly do.
    JS: Cheers. I think.
    (tape ends)
    Kevin McKenna dropped the transcript on to his desk and exhaled heavily; it felt like he had been holding his breath the entire time he had been reading. The dead cigarette fell from his lips, making him jump; he had forgotten all about it.
    Jesus, Johnny
he thought.
How desperate were you?
    The transcript was nonsense, so much so that McKenna felt almost embarrassed for his former mentor. This kind of tattling, tabloid silliness was so far beneath the Johnny Supernova he had once known that it made him genuinely sad.
    Things must have been so much worse than I realised. The Johnny I used to know would have laughed this guy out of his flat.
    McKenna got up from his chair and flicked through the rest of the folder. It contained four or five pages of notes, written in Johnny Supernova’s distinctive sloping scrawl. He gathered them up, held them over the wire rubbish bin that sat beside his desk, then paused.
    He left you this in his will. It’s disrespectful just to throw it out.
    He put the folder back on his desk, grabbed his jacket, and walked quickly out of his office. A minute later he was in the elevator, checking his watch.
    Should still be able to

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