Demons of Desire
grabbed the top of his head, digging my fingers through his thick dark hair and pushed him into my chest. His fingers fumbled with the clasps of my bra–top. The mechanics of the garment were clearly beyond him, so I yanked his head upward.
    “Ear. Lick my ear.”
    It had always been one of my erogenous zones. I remembered the feel of Irix’s mouth from last night and ground my hips against Chain–guy, hoping his caresses would come within a mile of what the incubus’ barest touch could do to me.
    He missed his mark, instead kissing and licking my neck, pausing to suck one particular spot. It wasn’t my ear, but damn it felt good. I angled my head to give him better access and snaked a hand downward. The guy’s boner was nearly tearing a hole through his leather pants. I figured I’d help him out by liberating this very important part of his anatomy and giving it some loving hand attention.
    I’d barely gotten the zipper halfway down when something pinched my neck. It felt sharp and quick, like a sting. The pain lasted a fraction of a second before vanishing. I jerked, and opened my mouth to exclaim … something. What was I going to say? My brain felt like it was swimming in thick molasses, and a thrill went down my spine and into my extremities. Floating. I murmured something un–intelligible and leaned my weight against Chain–guy. This was very nice, his kissing my neck and all, but my monster was screaming frustration in my ear, and my elf was on the verge of panic. What was her problem?
    The monster seized control, yanking down Chain–guy’s zipper, and pulling his cock out, fisting it in a slow but firm slide. He moaned against my neck, hands cupping my breasts. I increased the tempo. It didn’t matter if I came or not, all that mattered was him — giving him the ultimate, mind–blowing sexual experience of his life. I felt him sucking firmly against my neck, his penis thickening in my grasp. I reached down to cup his balls, rolling them in my other hand.
    My elf screamed in my ear. Run! Run, run, run!
    I jerked to the side, feeling a tearing sensation in my neck. Fuck, that hurt! Giving Chain–guy’s dick a retaliatory yank, I turned to voice my complaints. And froze.
    Chain–guy had fangs. Fangs like the pictures I’d seen of saber–toothed tigers, only in a human mouth. They were coated in blood — no doubt my blood, and dripped a clear liquid at the tips. I couldn’t tear my eyes away from them, and the fuzzy drunken chill I’d felt vanished in a breath. I wish I could say that I punched him in the face, put a knee into his balls, twisted the cock I held in my hand, but I did none of those things. Instead I did the most embarrassingly girly thing I could. I screamed.
    Chain–guy jerked backward, his eyes widening in alarm. “No! Hush. It’s okay. Calm down.”
    Calm down? Right. The guy was a vampire. The elf in me thrashed in terror, and the part I’d always thought was human agreed. Run, run! My monster didn’t seem to see what all the fuss was about, but for once she got onboard, throwing a charge of electricity into Chain–guy. I was holding onto his dick and his balls, so I’m ashamed to admit that’s where the charge went.
    Now he was screaming with the same pitch and volume that I had been. Giving him a hard shove, I blindly dashed from the alley and down the street, not caring where I went as long as I was as far away from Chain–guy–with–fangs as possible.
    The words were pain–laced, but I still heard his footsteps close behind me. I’m fast. And agile. It’s an elf thing. I took off like a formula–one racecar, knocking pedestrians aside and darting dangerously across traffic. I had no idea where the hell I was going, I just knew I needed to get away from this guy. The sound of his footsteps retreated, and I turned a corner, running into an all–night convenience store to hide.
    The dark–skinned man behind the cash register gave me a sour look as I

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