Demon Rock

Demon Rock by Stephen Derrian

Book: Demon Rock by Stephen Derrian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Derrian
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    I awoke to my head slamming into the side of the wall. I couldn’t even remember dosing off, they must have drugged us before we got on the boat. My memory of the past few days felt fragmented, I felt disorientated. The waves were throwing the boat back and forth like it was nothing, a small insignificant vessel in the vast endless ocean. The rain pelted off the boat, echoing through the metal stern. I began to try and focus my eyes; I was in a long dark hull. I tried to raise my arms but was stopped short by the metal cuffs that were grasped firmly around my wrists and feet anchoring me to the chair. Through the darkness, I begun to make out shapes as my eyes adapted to the lack of light. Sitting across from me on the other side of the boat was a motionless figure; I guessed his drugs hadn’t worn off yet. As my eye sight continued to adjust I made out several other people, all, like me chained to their seats, some conscious and others at the mercy of the motion of the ocean as their bodies were thrown about in their seats. Further down the boat there was a large silver box, big enough for a very large man to stand in, whoever or whatever was in there obviously needed extra security which didn’t help my unrest. From the silver box I could see the faint glimmer of something. There was a cut away near the top of the box, it was mostly dark but two yellow eyes appeared to be staring through me although I could not tell for sure. I was beginning to get nauseous when I felt the boat slow down. Just then the hull filled with light from the far end. A hatch was lifted and a man descended a rusty ladder that was missing two of its rungs. The man was tall with a thick brown beard that looked as coarse as the bristles of a brush. He was wearing what appeared to be black overalls, with his top two buttons open exposing a white shirt, the overalls had some logo on it but I could not make it out. His overalls were broken up by a thick brown belt with keys hanging from them. The man began to stride up the hull slowly, his heavy set boots against the metal and the jingling of his keys echoing through. As the guard approached the first unconscious man, he reached into his belt and produced an electric prod, approximately two foot in length. He jammed the prod under the man’s ribs, shocking him awake, the helpless man convulsed where he sat and awoke with a cry of pain. The guard moved forward another two steps and repeated the action, this time to a man who was conscious. “Hey!” I shouted, “Come on man, you can’t do that.”
    The guard turned and walked towards me slowly, smiling through his beard with his yellow stained teeth.
    “ Oh and why’s that then Prisoner...” he paused as he read a tag that had been placed around my wrist.
    “ Prisoner 207.”
    “ It’s not right.” I replied.
    I received the same treatment shortly after this statement, except this time the prod was to my testicles, the pain shot through me and up my entire body. I clenched my fists and ground my teeth together as the guard laughed. The guard’s face then turned serious and he stopped laughing, bending down towards my face as he did so.
    “ Human rights are for humans, 207.”
    He turned to continue his wake up calls but not before a parting gift of spit which found its mark. I couldn’t reach to wipe it off and could feel it sliding down my face.
    Just then the boat came to a complete stop.
    “ Well then vermin. Looks like we’re here.” said the guard. Four more guards boarded the boat in similar attire; they each descended into the hull and began unlocking each of us from our chairs. I stood up but the boat was still swaying, nearly causing me to lose my balance.
    “ I haven’t got all day, move!” one of the new guards screamed as he prodded me in the back. I began to move towards the ladder with the rest of the prisoners. I placed my hands firmly on the rung and began to climb. As I reached the top I could see

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