Demon Rock

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Book: Demon Rock by Stephen Derrian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Derrian
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hesitated, the guard approached a man to my left and smashed him in the face with the butt of his rifle, and blood gushed from his nose.
    “ Strip!” he bellowed again.
    This time, we all obeyed. I kicked off my shoes and began unbuttoning my shirt. Another guard came up to me and tore my shirt open sending buttons flying everywhere.
    “ Hurry it up!” he screamed. The jeans were next and we all stood there nude on the cold tiled floor. The guard who had given the order lifted a hose from the wall and turned a pump. Water shot from the hose with veracious speed. The water was ice cold and it forced a few of us back as it hit our chests, the sharp icy water felt like we were being stabbed, pain shot through us as the guard sprayed each of us in turn. The man to my left’s blood swirled the drain mixed with the water. We were each then given a red jumpsuit and forced to get into them, without even drying. My body itched from the dry material as I put on my uniform for life.
    We were once again forced to walk, like marching cattle. This time we were led into what looked like a school assembly hall, except the school had been closed for years. We stood in the middle of the empty hall when a man walked onto a raised platform. He was a man in his fifties - I would have guessed – with a short crew cut hair style and deep set eyes. His body was lean and athletic for someone of his age and his eyes told a story that he had seen a thing or two in his life time.
    “ Gentlemen” the man began.
    “ Welcome to Demon Rock Penitentiary. I am Warden O’Brien. You are each here because you have been deemed unfit and a danger to society. We can’t have your kind mixed in with the general public. Now the current administration wants nothing to do with you, so I have been given control of your fates and I can assure you gentlemen that you will not leave here in your pathetic life times. There will be no luxuries, no amenities of any kind. Human rights are for humans, this is a prison for the supernatural; the inhuman, and you will be treated as such. Enjoy your stay!”

When They Came
    It wasn’t always like this. Up until four days ago, I was happy, I had a life. I lived with my wife just outside of London. It was a simple two up, two down house but it was ours to do with as we wanted. I have done some bad things in the past, but they are the past. Love changes a man, the realisation that someone loves you for who you are rather than the mask you show to the world. She even accepted my ‘gift’, although they deem it as an ability, an abnormality. With this realisation, you realise that it is not just your own life you need to worry about but that of whom loves you. I rid myself of any and all selfishness and devoted myself to her. We were happy. We were truly happy… until they came for me.
    Word had reached my ears of this facility, this prison for supernatural beings. I had also heard that they were rounding up anyone with a gift indiscriminately whether they were a threat or not. This new government wanted us eradicated, away from the public. They came for me at work. I had a regular job, a software engineer at a well renowned firm. I kept to myself, behind a desk coding forty hours a week.
    It was a Monday morning, I have had some horrendous Monday mornings as I am sure we all have but this one was particularly bad. At Eleven AM I got a phone call from security that some men were here to see me. I took them to a meeting room on the fifth floor and asked what I could do for them. One of the two men placed his black leather briefcase on the table and opened the locks. He opened the case and took out a pair of silver handcuffs. They were not regular handcuffs that you would see on television, these looked different, custom made almost. “You are under arrest due to new legalisation being introduced by the government. You are to be remanded into our custody and to be processed.”
    “ There must be

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