Defy the World Tomatoes

Defy the World Tomatoes by Phoebe Conn

Book: Defy the World Tomatoes by Phoebe Conn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Phoebe Conn
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance, Contemporary
posture stiffened.
    “Christy Joy and I thought once we got the business running well, we’d each be able to take off a couple of days every week. Unfortunately, neither of us owns a crystal ball, and we didn’t foresee having to move in the fall. That means there won’t be any time off for anyone anytime soon. So before you complain about my frantic schedule, stop to consider why I’m so damn busy.”
    Griffin moaned in mock pain. “I’d like a truce on that subject too.”
    “How convenient, but if we avoid the inevitable conflicts, all we’ll have is bland co-existence. That won’t leave much room for the passion you pour into your music.”
    “My God, Darcy, are you this tough on all the men you date?”
    Darcy bowed her head slightly. “No, only the ones I really care about, and you know I’m right.”
    Griffin hugged her. “I wish I’d never leased you that damn building.”
    “Then Christy Joy and I might not have gone into business together. I’d not have moved here from LA, and we’d never have met.”
    “So you see this real estate disaster as a good thing?”
    “Yeah, in some strange twisted sort of way, it is.”
    With a gentle hold, Griffin picked her up and set her on her feet. “Finish your dinner, and then we can negotiate some ground rules.”
    Darcy sat in her chair, but left the broccoli untouched. “Everything was delicious, but I’m full.”
    “Fine, but I’m still hungry.” Griffin scraped the carton to slide the last bit of walnut shrimp onto his plate, then added some fried rice. “I was afraid I’d not brought enough, but you didn’t eat very much.”
    “I’m not even half your size, Griffin, it’s only natural that I’d eat less.” She sipped her tea and watched him eat. He had as fine manners as she’d expected and didn’t once lick his fingers.
    When Griffin finally finished, he tossed Darcy a fortune cookie. “I hope it says you’ll meet a tall, dark and handsome stranger.”
    “I’d prefer tips on what to do with him.” Darcy cracked her cookie in half and pulled out the paper fortune. She scanned it quickly and began to laugh. “Get promises in writing. How apropos. What does yours say?”
    “You will get a lucky break,” Griffin responded. “I’d say I already have. What if I look for a new building for you? Would that make dating me easier to bear?”
    Darcy reached for her tea and took a long swallow. “I wonder if that’s one of the promises I should get in writing.”
    “Probably not. After all, I just offered to look, not to provide a new location.”
    “True.” Darcy watched a sly smile play across his lips and wished he would kiss her again. She knew if she were to return to his lap, he would, but she remained seated in her chair.
    “You’re used to getting your own way,” she cautioned, “and people have noted that I tend to be a bit stubborn.”
    “Clever observation, but like every couple, we each have flaws.” Griffin stood and began clearing the table. “Let’s put the leftovers in the frig, and then I’ll help you with the dishes.”
    A man who did dishes. Darcy shook her head in amazement. “No way. You brought dinner, so I’ll handle the clean up.”
    “Do you want me to leave?”
    “I’m not sure what I want,” Darcy confessed truthfully.
    “Then it’s definitely time for me to go.” He brushed her cheek with a quick kiss and headed toward the door.
    “Wait a minute.” Darcy left her chair, but lingered beside the table. “Now I feel as though I’ve said the wrong thing.”
    Griffin took a step toward her. “When you compliment the passion in my music, I can forgive you almost anything.”
    “You can forgive me? Is there no end to your arrogance?”
    Griffin crossed the distance between them and looped his arms around her waist. “Probably not,” he confessed with a deep chuckle. “Just kiss me good-night, and I’ll leave you to the dishes.”
    It was impossible to argue with a man who acknowledged his

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