Deep Fathom
    Ruzickov’s eyes flicked to Nafe, then back to David. “But public sentiment does not favor such action. The average American is more interested in the value of his stock portfolio and what’s on TV at night. Confrontation with China is not a priority. If anything, the opposite is true. We have grown complacent. If we are to stem this rising tide of communism, then this sentiment must be changed also.”
    David nodded his understanding.
    Ruzickov studied him, then spoke again. “You know of the mobilization to recover Air Force One.”
    David didn’t answer; the CIA director’s words were not a question. Of course he knew of the mobilization. It was in the news. The entire world had turned its eyes to an empty stretch of ocean. Still, his nostrils flared. He almost smelled his boss’s discomfort.
    â€œWe believe this is an opportunity not to be missed. A chance to gain some value for the loss of President Bishop.”
    â€œHow so?” David asked, intrigued.
    â€œYou are to join the NTSB’s go-team at the crash site.”
    David’s left eye twitched in surprise. “To help in the recovery?”
    â€œYes…but also to help ensure that the information that comes from the crash site serves our end.”
    â€œI don’t understand.”
    Nafe clarified. “We want the crash to be blamed on the Chinese.”
    â€œWhether the facts substantiate this claim or not,” the director finished.
    Both of David’s brows rose.
    Nicolas Ruzickov stood up. “With the Chinese blamed for the assassination of the President, there will be a public outcry for retribution.”
    â€œAnd we will answer it,” Nafe added.
    David appreciated the plan. With the world already in turmoil after the Pacificwide disasters, the moment was ripe for such a change.
    â€œDoes Omega accept this mission?” Ruzickov asked formally.
    David stood. “Yes, sir, without question.”
    Nafe cleared his throat, drawing both their attention. “One other thing, Commander Spangler. It seems that a colleague of yours is already on site. A fellow SEAL…someone you once worked alongside.”
    Again David sensed a bomb was about to be dropped. “Who?”
    â€œJack Kirkland.”
    A gasp escaped David’s throat. He barely heard the Vice President’s next few words. His vision grew black at the edges.
    â€œWe know you still blame the man for the Atlantis accident. The entire country mourned the death of your younger sister.”
    â€œJennifer,” David mumbled. He pictured the girl’s face full of pride on the day of the launch, her first mission with NASA—at her side, Jack Kirkland, her teammate, wearing a shit-eating grin. Jack had won the shuttle’s military seat over David; both men had been up for the mission. But NASA had not wanted two siblings going up on the same mission—in case something happened. David closed his eyes. Jennifer’s body had never been found.
    â€œI’m sorry for your loss,” Nafe said, drawing back David’s attention.
    He straightened, going cold. “Thank you, sir.”
    Ruzickov spoke at his shoulder. “We just want to makesure Kirkland’s presence isn’t going to interfere with your mission.”
    â€œNo, sir. The past is the past. I understand the importance of this mission and will let nothing stand in my way—not even Jack Kirkland.”
    â€œVery good.” Ruzickov turned toward the exit. “Then gather your team. You ship out in two hours.”
    With a nod to the country’s new leader, David swung around on numb legs. He would do as he had been ordered. Omega team had never failed in a mission. But on this journey, David intended to add a side objective of his own.
    To avenge his sister’s death.

Serpent’s Heart
    July 26, 7:20 A.M.
Off the coast of Yonaguni Island, Okinawa Prefecture
    With the sun yet to rise, Karen

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