Guide Me Home (SEAL of Fortune)

Guide Me Home (SEAL of Fortune) by Laura Day

Book: Guide Me Home (SEAL of Fortune) by Laura Day Read Free Book Online
Authors: Laura Day
like a machine, his pace only varying slightly except when he is battling for control. But she needs more. She can feel an orgasm lurking. A huge one, looming in the distance. As sweet and nice as these little orgasms are, she wants the mother lode that is lurking.
    He slows to a stop once again, taking the opportunity to wipe his face. His need to stop is becoming more and more frequent, the stops longer in duration until he can gather his control. He opens his eyes and looks into Ronnie’s beautiful face… and she smiles.
    “I want you to fuck me hard Ryker. I want you to make me come so hard,” she whispers. “I want you to make me come so fucking hard. Make me come, Ryker. You make me come.”
    He smiles at her. She is the most incredibly sexy woman he has ever met, her breathy begging for him to satisfy her forces him hold his hips still even longer. But two can play this game… he hopes.
    “You want me to fuck you Ronnie? You want to get fucked? You want me to hold you down and fuck you?”
    “Yes… fuck me. Fuck me hard,” she moans.
    “You want to scream like this morning Ronnie? You want me to make you scream?”
    “Yes. Make me scream. Please make me scream.” She begins to thrust her hips, trying to get Ryker to start, his words winding her up. She is such a slut!
    He begins to move, even slower than he was, teasing her. “Beg for it, Ronnie. Beg me to fuck you.”
    She whimpers, her excitement beginning to overwhelm her. “Please Ryker. Please fuck me hard.”
    He slams his hips into her as hard as he can, but only once, holding himself deep inside. “That the way you want it Ronnie?” Ryker realizes that while what he is saying seems to be turning Ronnie’s crank, he is turning his own as well.
    “Yes. More.”
    Ryker tucks in tight, lifting her legs and pushing them back with his arms behind her knees before taking her hands and pinning them to bed. Then he begins to move, slowly at first but steadily increasing the speed and the power of this thrust.
    Ronnie groans. Once again he has her pinned to the bed—the first time tonight he has held her down like this. As he begins to thrust harder and faster she pushes against him with her legs, pulls at his grip with her arms. But he is too strong…
    He drives into her as hard and fast as he can. He’s going to come, and soon, but the way she is moving and gasping, straining to escape his grasp as she moans, he suspects she is getting close. Now it’s a race… an erotic race to see who comes first.
    Ronnie snaps her eyes open at Ryker grunts—the breathy grunt of him fighting his orgasm. As she watches he grimaces and grunts again, shaking his head in denial, sweat flying from his hair, dripping from his arms and face. He sneers at her, his eyes narrowing as his face twists in passion. A hard shudder passes through him and he shakes his head again, his sweat falling like rain. He is giving her everything, holding nothing back… and she falls.
    She suddenly pushes so hard against him with her legs that he loses his grip on her arms. Arms free she seizes him around the neck and pulls savagely hard, dragging herself up until she is clasped tightly to him. “Don’t stop,” she grunts in his ear, thrusting frantically.
    Having her tie him up in an intimate embrace is more than Ryker can stand. With a hard grunt he releases his locked arms and drives her shoulders down into the bed, wrapping her in his own crushing embrace, his hips thrusting madly a moment longer before he becomes still.
    They lie together, panting, still, saying nothing. A shiver passes through Ryker, causing him to shudder with a gasp. And Ronnie begins to giggle.

    “Evans, I have your new orders here,” Hargraves says, tapping his finger on the paper on his desk. Even though it is face down, Ryker can make out enough to know it is some type of deployment order. That’s not

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