Deep Blue Forever (Deep Blue Series)

Deep Blue Forever (Deep Blue Series) by Amie Nichols Page B

Book: Deep Blue Forever (Deep Blue Series) by Amie Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amie Nichols
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sound in the world.  
                  "I'm fine.  I feel ten times better than I did yesterday.  What I want to know is, how is our little peanut?  How are you, and what in the hell has been happening?"  I shoot a line of questions at her and she sits up next to me on the bed. 
                  "Well, our little peanut is now a grapefruit." She giggles looking down at her bump.  "It's been stressful, but Dr. Henry has been keeping a close eye on me." Her smile fades.  "Ian, I thought I was going to lose you." Tears are now streaming down her face. 
                  "I'm sorry, baby. We don't have to do this now if it's going to upset you."  I take her face in my hands wiping the tears with my thumbs.
                  "What has happened here is always going to upset me, so now is as good a time as any," she says with a sob, "but you need to hear what happened from Troy.  Most of my stress has been caused by him.  So you need to hear it from him."  She goes to get off the bed, but I grab her arm to keep her from moving. There is a small knock on the door before it opens and in walks Sam, Miry and Rex. 
                  "What's wrong, baby girl?" Rex says coming straight for Aubrey seeing she has been crying.  Oh just great, I bet he's been here comforting her this whole time .
                  "I'm fine," she says, placing her hand over his that is on her shoulder .  God do I hate him touching her .
                  "Hey, mate. You have no idea how glad I am to see that ugly mug of yours awake."  Sam teases coming up to me and giving me a firm handshake followed by an awkward man hug.  
                  "Ian," Miry says with tears in her eyes as she wraps her arms around me hugging me tight.  "You jerk. You've put us through hell while you were napping." She lets loose of me giving my cheeks a little slap.  I know she's kidding... I think .
                  "Ian," Rex says holding out his hand for me to shake.  I do because it makes him take his hands off my girl. 
                  "Thank you guys for taking care of my girl. I still don't know what has all transpired here, but I know you've been looking after her."  I tell them.  They nod slowly.  "So what did happen?"  I chance that maybe one of them will tell me, since Aubrey isn't.
                  "All I'm going to say is that you need to talk to your "next of kin"."  Sam spouts angrily.  "One thing I will tell you, if it wasn't for Aubrey getting on her knees and begging Troy to give you a chance, you would have been dead a few months ago."  I glance at Aubrey and see the tears welling in her eyes. 
                  "Can someone please have Troy come in here and talk to me."  I grate.  They all make to leave, including Aubrey, but I grab her.  "Please stay."  I can see the hesitation in her eyes.
                  "Ian, I'm not sure if I am ready to face him yet." She is anxious now and I want to be the one to calm her down.  I don't want her going out there and seeking comfort from Rex.  That's my job. I never want any man to comfort her except me.
                  "Aubrey, please stay I owe you an explanation also." Troy has entered the room without us noticing.  He is solemn; shoulders sunken, looking like shit. 
                  I take Aubrey's arm and place her between my legs so her back is resting at my front.  I wrap my arms around her, kissing the shell of her ear, I whisper, "I love you."
                  "I want to start off by saying how very sorry I am, Aubrey."  Troy sits in one of the chairs by the bed.  "I want you to know that I was played, by my soon to be ex-wife. She had me convinced that Chelsea was telling the truth."  He puts his elbows on his knees resting his face in his hands. 
                  "You're getting a

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