Deep Blue Forever (Deep Blue Series)

Deep Blue Forever (Deep Blue Series) by Amie Nichols Page A

Book: Deep Blue Forever (Deep Blue Series) by Amie Nichols Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amie Nichols
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forehead on my chest just above my breasts.  I hear him inhaling deeply before I feel him move, his long stubble scratching my neck.  I run my fingers through his hair pressing my face against him.  No words were being spoken.  We stay there holding each other, pressed up against each other.
                  I melt into him. The sensation of being wrapped in his arms is overwhelming.  The tears start to fall as all of the anxiety of the past three months comes rushing over me.  The sense of relief I'm feeling right now is so great and so wonderful. 
                  "If what's true?" I ask again after what seems like an hour of holding each other. 
                  "The baby, if it's not mine I don't care.  I love you, and I want to be with you the rest of my life." He whispers against my neck, his hot breath sending chills through me.
                  "What?" I lean back to look him in the eyes.  They are sleepy, and I can tell he is fighting very hard to stay awake. 
                  "They said the baby wasn't mine," he murmurs, pulling me to him again and resting his head on my shoulder.  
                  "Ian, baby," a small laugh escapes my lips, "you're the only guy I've slept with for almost two years.  If this baby isn't yours, then we have a huge problem."
                  "I love you so much. I knew it wasn't true," he says and I feel a small smile against my neck.  He leans back on the bed taking me with him.  I snuggle in next to him, his arms wrapping around me so tight that I couldn't get up if I tried.  He is exhausted and is sleeping soundly within seconds. I lay my head on his chest listening to his glorious breathing and the sound of his heart drumming softly under my ear. 
                  Chapter 18
                  I awake in a panic just having a nightmare of Michelle with her gun pointed at Aubrey.  My heart is racing with fear when I realize I'm still in the hospital bed. Aubrey is snuggled in next to me. She's lying on her side with her face buried in my neck.  I feel her slow even breaths against my neck as she sleeps.  I wrap my arm around her tighter.  She has her hand protectively resting on her belly.  I move my head and place my lips on her forehead.  I don't know what has happened the past few months or why she wasn't here when I woke up and Chelsea was, but I am going to find out. Something tells me my girl has been through hell, and that really pisses me off. 
                  I hear the heart monitor start to speed up as my mind starts wondering about what has been going on.  Calm down Ian, she's here and she is safe now . I steady my breathing to make the monitor shut up.  I don't want her to wake up, so I focus on my baby.  Aubrey's still as gorgeous as ever. Still too skinny, but her baby bump is there which means the baby is growing.  That makes me relax enough that I fall back to sleep. 
                  This time when I awake, Aubrey is not in the bed.  I sit up frantic searching the room.  It's empty, and I feel like it has all been a dream. 
                  "Aubrey," I yell, anxious to hear her voice.  She steps out of the bathroom combing her hair. 
                  "I'm here, baby," she says putting her brush down and coming to me.  I pull her onto my lap taking her lips in mine.  Her lips are so soft and she tastes amazing as I explore her mouth with my tongue.  "Good morning!" She smiles after I release her lower lip. 
                  "How are you feeling?" I ask her, rubbing my hand over her baby bump.  It is surprisingly firm, almost hard like there is a basketball just under her skin. 
                  "I should be asking you that." She laughs, which makes my insides warm.  It's the sweetest

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