Deception City: A World at War Novel (World at War Online Book 5)

Deception City: A World at War Novel (World at War Online Book 5) by Mitchell T. Jacobs Page B

Book: Deception City: A World at War Novel (World at War Online Book 5) by Mitchell T. Jacobs Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mitchell T. Jacobs
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result, Ragnarok Company began driving in a much tighter fashion, almost bumper to bumper in some cases. They also increased the guards assigned to each convoy, often including air cover, a tank at the front of the column, or both. As a result, Bravo Wolf’s effectiveness had decreased. They could still get their shots in, but their days of wiping out convoys with little to no losses on their side were over. Now, every time they ambushed they knew they were in for a hard fight against tough Ragnarok troops that expected an attack.
    But there were other ways to turn the tables back in their favor. Their ambush tactics were beginning to lose their effectiveness, but they also forced Ragnarok to behave in a specific way. Bravo Wolf could exploit those patterns to their advantage.
    Reconnaissance by airplane and by small ground teams had given them a wealth of information about the size, composition and timing of the supply convoys running between Madison and the Milwaukee offensive. Danny had spent quite a few hours going over the information with Liz and his squad leaders. Xavier had plotted out a convoy timetable, which gave them a clear picture of when Ragnarok resupplied their front line troops. Judging from the table, it happened fairly regularly. They also observed that Ragnarok drove on the right side of the highway, the same as they would in the real world.
    Danny had to smile when he saw that tidbit. Old habits died hard, apparently, even when they were in a world where none of those limits existed.
    Armed with that information, they devised a plan. Instead of waiting for a convoy to pass by, risking themselves in a combat situation like an ambush, they would instead plant booby traps to harm the trucks when they inevitably passed by.
    And this wasn’t going to be some dinky firework, or even a few discarded artillery shells strung together with wire and attached to a detonator. No, their trap would be much more fearsome.
    “Danny, we’ve secured our end of the site,” Javy called over the radio. “We’re setting our stuff up now.”
    Danny looked at the minimap in the corner of his HUD. “Good to hear. I’ll be right with you.”
    “Our end is secure as well,” Xavier chimed in. “I’m sending my guys to join up with Javy’s half of the team. I’ll call you if anything comes up.”
    “I’m not seeing anything on my end,” Miko spoke up. “There’s a few predators lurking around, but they’re avoiding me. Probably because I have a high hunter skill, so don’t take them for granted.”
    “Right,” Danny nodded. The hunter skill reduced the chance of being attacked by wildlife, while also increasing the amount and type of materials harvested from a slain animal. Hydra was mostly industrialized, but used a few natural materials like chilus chitin for body armor, which made hunters like Miko valuable.
    “Make sure we don’t have anything big coming our way,” Danny told her.
    “Already on it. Mostly because I won’t be around to see the expression on your face when it shows up.”
    “Haha. Have fun out there,” Danny said.
    He joined their group of explosives experts out on the highway. There were eight in total, three who had actual expertise, and five for the simpler tasks and labor.
    Danny found their leader. “Hey, Joe. What do you think?”
    “What do I think?” Joe asked, taking off his patrol cap and running a hand through his hair. “Well, this might be a little harder than we originally thought. They’ve maintained the road pretty well, so we can’t hide a bomb in an abandoned car or anything like that.”
    “What about burying it?”
    “That’s probably our best bet, but that’s going to be hard as well. I’m glad that the road is made of packed earth, because this would be next to impossible if it was solid pavement.”
    “We could lift the pavement,” Danny suggested.
    Joe shrugged. “Sure. And then it would be very noticeable, and anyone who knew what

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