Deceived - Part 1 New York
the honor of your
beautiful presence with me at the charity event in the
    My eyes widened and I
swallowed hard.
    “ I’d love to!!” I squealed
in a voice sounding like Mickey Mouse. I was practically jumping up
and down.
    “ Ahh, what will I wear? I
don’t have that kind of dress, or the money.”
    “ Don’t worry, Sweetie. You
already have a dress and one you picked out yourself.”
    With a look of discernment
on his face, Patrick jumped up and exited to his bedroom before I
could protest.
    “ No really,” I yelled down
the hall to him, “I couldn’t. It wasn’t meant for me...” but my
words fell on deaf ears. I bit my lip with a mixture of angst and
    In a flash, Patrick came
out holding the black gown I had purchased just a few days ago. The
beauty of the dress still took me aback. I stepped forward to
stroke the fabric between my fingertips and although a part of me
knew I should say no, something inside me was pleading to say
    “ Oh, Patrick. I
    “ Of course you can.” He
said definitively. “You know you look smashing in this
    “ But..but..”
    “ I’m not taking no for an
answer. It’s a done deal. You're going with me, in this dress and
you’re gonna be a knockout.” He leaned over and gave me a peck on
the forehead and I rolled my eyes like a reluctantly compliant
    I looked at the time on
the microwave clock and mentally checked my schedule for the day. I
had promised Carly, my roommate that I would pick her up at the
airport. She was due back after a week’s visit with her parents. I
couldn’t wait to tell her the news. I was going to the premier charity
event of the summer, in the Hamptons, with the incredibly handsome
and successful, Patrick Collins. A farm girl from Iowa couldn’t ask
for more.

Chapter 10
    I had just checked my hair
and makeup for the nth time in the last hour when I heard the
buzzing of my cell phone on the table. Instinctively, I grabbed
    Another message from
    “ On my way. Be ready in
    I was already packed; in
fact, I had been waiting for almost an hour. It was Saturday past
noon and he was late but that was okay. After all, no one wants to
be the first to show up to a party. I wasn’t sure what to bring and
had packed way too many outfits, but then, I’m like that, I can’t
decide until I’m in the moment, what will strike my
    Hope my two bags will fit
in the trunk of his Jag. I ran a hand
through my hair. My mind was already on the road when suddenly, I
heard the now familiar sequence of five distinct knocks on the
    “ Coming,” I called out with
excitement. I quickly unhooked the chain and opened the door with a
big swoosh. A huge warm smile greeted me when our eyes met and
Patrick immediately picked me up in a big bear hug, planting a long
hot kiss on my lips.
    “ Hey Baby, so sorry I’m
late. I had to go into the office and attend to a couple of issues.
Are you ready?”
    “ Yes, I hope you have room
for my stuff in your little sports car,” I said waving my hand
towards my luggage.
    “ Wow! You know, we’ll only
be in the Hamptons for the weekend,” he said surprised as he eyed
two large, bright red suitcases.
    “ But I can’t decide what to
wear. It might be chilly there and I have to bring matching shoes
for each outfit.” I whined a feeble explanation, desperation
clearly showing on my face.
    He gave me a bearing smile
and grabbed the two suitcases.
    “ Geez, What did you pack in
these? Bricks??” he mockingly grunted, struggling somewhat to
maneuver the two large suitcases towards the door.
    “ No, silly, I had to make
sure to bring enough suntan lotion for your pale butt cheeks,” I
laughed as I slapped his firm behind. “We don’t want them to get
    He gave me a wink as the
elevator arrived and down we went to his car. Ten minutes later we
were cruising on Freeway 678 towards Route 27, which would take us
all the way to the

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