Deceived - Part 1 New York
looked him in the eyes and
proclaimed with a frown, “I’m fine. It’s just that.... I’ m getting
a strange vibe from that woman. I’m not sure she likes me very
    “ Don’t worry so much about
that. I already told you, that she can be peculiar and demanding.
She's so egotistical that she treats most people like dirt. She'll
warm up to you eventually I’m sure.” He shifted his driving
position, placing both of his hands on the steering wheel in a
manner that seemed to punctuate his sentence.
    Crap! I nodded in implied agreement, knowing in my heart that it
would be a cold day in hell before that would ever

Chapter 11
    “ Chloe!” A familiar voice
rang out in my ears. I turned and saw Ryan striding towards me in
the main foyer of the Crestwood mansion in the Hamptons.
    “ What a breath of fresh air
it is to see you my darling, in this over pretentious crowd,” he
    My eyes lit up with
surprise. “Ryan. So good to see you too.
    I didn’t know you would be
here tonight, I thought Patrick was bringing his niece, but I’m so
glad you are here,” he continued.
     “ And... may I add,
you look stunning. Oh My God! That dress suits you to a
    “ Awe, thank you Ryan” I
said demurely.
    “ Are you as bored as I am?”
he grinned. “Where have you stashed my buddy? You know, you two
really make a nice couple.”
    My heart lightened with the
thought that Patrick’s best friend, not only approved of us, but
referenced us as “a couple”.
    “ He’s around,” I said
sweeping my drink glass in a half circle to my right. “He’s talking
and hobnobbing with the VIPs and, to answer your question, yes,
these people are rather dull. But I don’t mind, this mansion is
gorgeous and I’m thrilled to be here to support the charity.
Patrick said he'd be back in a few minutes. He had some business to
discuss with Mr. Graywell from the Betsey Johnson
    “ I love Betsey Johnson
designs; you should be in that meeting with him. I’m sure you know
more about Betsey Johnson than he does.”
    “ It was more about some
contractual issues, not like a creative meeting,” I
    “ Are you sure he’s not in
search of some glass topped desk,” he chided with a
    “ Oh my God, you noticed?”
The thought of Patrick’s friend touching my ass print on his glass
desk made me red with embarrassment.
    “ Yea, like a kid with his
hand in the proverbial cookie jar,” he laughed. ” I had to invest
heavily in Windex just to get it clean! It nearly broke my heart to
erase such a great work of art.” He smiled back at me.
    “ Err, sorry about messing
up your office Ryan,” I added, “I don’t know what’s come over me
lately. It seems that Patrick has a hypnotic effect on me.
Normally, I wouldn’t do never do that, but hey, you only live
once.....” I giggled. The bubbles of my peach Bellini were having
their way with my inhibitions once again.
    An astute waiter appeared
at my elbow holding a tray with a small cream colored envelope on
    “ Excuse me Miss. Are you
Chloe Swanson?” he asked with perfect enunciation.
    “ Yes, I am.” I perked up.
What could this be? Does this have anything to do with Patrick? The
waiter handed me the envelope and turning on his heels, floated off
ubiquitously, into the mix of people. Ryan’s eyebrows raised and I
had a funny feeling that I shouldn’t read this in front of
    “ Excuse me Ryan,” I said
politely and stepped over to a small ante room near the entryway.
My nerves began to jitter like a box of Mexican jumping beans.
Tentatively, I slipped my finger under the sealed flap and ripped
it open. The note inside read:
    Meet me in the library in
5 minutes.
    I have another little
surprise for you.
    A huge smile spread across
my face. I felt sure that, even though all the people were in the
other room, they could see me blushing. Surely, this was Patrick’s
way of teasing me about the Gallery

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